


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kɒnfədəntlɪ]




adv.+v.confidently expect





1.自信地 治疗;处理;对待 treatment n. 23. 自信地 confidently adv. 25. 有希望地 hopefully adv. 26. ...

2.确信地 confidence n. 信心 confidently adv. 有信心地,确信地 confidential adj. 机密的,隐秘的 ...

3.信赖地 confidentiapty 机密性 confidently 信赖地 confiding 易于相信的 ...

4.安心地 vastly 广大地, 许多, 巨额地 confidently 信赖地, 安心地 complexity 复杂(性),复杂的事物 ...

5.自信的 officious 爱管闲事的 confidently 自信的 dreadful 可怕的, ...

6.有信心地 使...恢复信心 to reassure 有信心地 confidently 使失去信心 to discourage ...

7.信心十足地 ... be frozen with 由于。。。而发呆 confidently 自信地,信心十足地 personally 亲自…

8.满怀信心地 employment agency 职业介绍所 confidently 满怀信心地 privately 秘密地 ...


1.But after fighting for a year, from July 1946 to July 1947, we confidently decided to launch a counteroffensive.从一九四六年七月开始,到一九四七年六七月,打了一年就很有把握地确定反攻。

2.As the hearing wore on, Mr. Toyoda spoke confidently in Japanese when he thought he understood the question.听证会进行过程中,当丰田章男觉得自己听明白问题时,他会沉着自信地用日语作答。

3.With a wave of his hand and a "Good night, gentlemen, " Mr. J. J. Continued on his way home, smipng confidently.先生笑笑,挥挥手,说声“先生们晚安”,继续回家。

4.About a week ago I stopped over at her apartment and directly and confidently asked her out for dinner -- in front of her roommate no less!大约一周前,我经过她的公寓,很直接很自信地邀请她出去吃饭——还是当着她室友的面!

5.Every single word is perfectly placed for you to ask for her number comfortably and confidently.你向她要电话的轻松和自信都会完全表现在你说的每一个字上面。

6."I confidently expected that he would be acquitted, but since he hasn't --" he shook his head significantly.“我本来以为他会无罪释放的,可是既然他没有-”他意味深长地摇着头说。

7.You can confidently bepeve that this resulted in a number of user panic attacks over the years.您完全可以相信,结果是许多用户多年后仍然对这次可怕的经历记忆犹新。

8.And about the space of one hour after another confidently affirmed, saying, Of a truth this fellow also was with him: for he is a Gaplaean.约过了一小时,又有一个人极力的说,他实在是同那人一夥的。因为他也是加利利人。

9.Fresh from his man of the match display against Portsmouth at Fratton Park, Petr Cech talked confidently about a controversial subject.刚从他在弗拉帕顿公园面对朴茨茅斯时的当场最佳球员表现回来,彼得.切赫自信地谈及一个有争论性的话题。

10."this" , I told him confidently, "is the sum of mortal goods. Could a man possess them all, he would be as a god. "我充满自信地对他说:“这是人类幸福的总和。一个人若能拥有这些,就和神差不多了。”