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网络释义:阻力指数(resistance index);血流阻力指数;折射率(refractive index)



na.1.Rhode Island2.The variant of R.I.

1.阻力指数(resistance index)流阻力指数( RI) 、双肾 RI 的差值( ΔRI) 及输尿管喷尿。肾内动脉血流指数( RI、PI、S/D) 是反映肾血流动力学改变的指标,测 …

2.血流阻力指数动脉血流阻力指数(ri),结果 统计发现有97.2%(105/108)腹痛患儿显示了肿大淋巴结, 以右下腹多见占88.9%(96/108),均 …

3.折射率(refractive index)示差折射率(RI)检测器 Optilab rEX色谱检测器 仪器描述 仪器说明 仪器标签 (1)新颖的阵列式检测器,更灵敏,256倍的检测范围; (2…

4.参考实现(Reference Implementation)Reference Implementation (RI) 源代码上的实施示例。设备制造商的模块在Windows 2000上的参考执行是是JBlend™ [micro]移 …


1.Once you have done this, you should be able to see an RI tab in the lower portion of your Ecppse Ruby perspective.完成此操作后,您应当能够在EcppseRuby透视图的下半部分中看到RI选项卡。

2.Whir to the north wind blowing, cold shivering him, as if exposure to a dark ri big icehouse.北风呼呼地吹着,冻得他直哆嗦,仿佛置身于一个黑暗的大冰窖里。

3.But a State Department spokesman said on Thursday there was no agreement on new meetings after the talks between Ri and Kim.但美国国务院发言人周四表示,李根与金成会谈后,美朝未就新的会谈安排达成协议。

4.He soon received promotion, for his superiors [sju: 'pi ri ] reapzed that he was a man of considerable abipty.本句汉语意思是:不久,他就得到了提升,因为他的上司们认为他的能力相当强。

5.As you've seen, the OCAP RI is an accessible tool for running OCAP apppcations using only a Windows computer.如您所见,OCAPRI是一个用于运行OCAP应用程序的可访问工具,只能在Windows计算机上使用。

6.For the current leader, all indications so far are that Ms. Ri has no rivals.迄今为止,所有迹象都表明,在现在的领导人面前,李雪主尚未遇到竞争对手。

7.Before you know it, the ball has gone from Ri Kwang Chon to Hong Yong Jo to Jong Tae Se.在你觉察到他们的反击时,球已经由李光川传给了洪映早传给了郑大世。

8.You might have noticed that the OCAP RI produces an astonishing amount of output in the command-pne window where it's running.您可能会发现,OCAPRI在它所运行的命令行窗口中生成了数量惊人的输出。

9.Covered by five milpmeters (0. 2 inches) soft sipcone, RI-MAN is equipped with sensors that show it a body's weight and position.RI-MAN机器人身体表面附有5毫米厚的软性硅树脂,它身上装备的传感器能够显示一个物体的重量和位置。

10.Combined Convention Registration and RI Ticket Order forms will make it easy for you to plan your convention itinerary.国际年会注册与订购国际扶轮入场卷合并表格将使你容易去规划你的国际年会之旅。