


美式发音: [ˈdændi] 英式发音: ['dændi]




复数:dandies  比较级:dandier  最高级:dandiest  同义词反义词


n.fop,clotheshorse,beau,coxcomb,fashion plate




1.讲究衣着和外表的男人;好打扮的男人a man who cares a lot about his clothes and appearance


1.非常好的;极佳的very good

n.1.同“dandy fever”2.纨绔子弟,花花公子,服装时髦的人3.〈口〉最好的东西,上品4.(船尾装有一桅的)快艇1.同“dandy fever”2.纨绔子弟,花花公子,服装时髦的人3.〈口〉最好的东西,上品4.(船尾装有一桅的)快艇


n.1.Same as dandy fever2.a man who cares a lot about his appearance and always wears fashionable clothes


1.德意 老板 Robam 德意 Dandy 飞利浦 PHILIPS ...

2.花花公子 folks n. (复)人们 dandy adj. (口)极好的 exit vi. 退出,出去 ...

5.纨绔子弟 a dude ranch,ie one used as a hopday centre 度假农场. 2 dandy 纨绔子弟; 花花公子. 3 man 男人: ...

6.时髦的 damping ① 阻尼,挫抑,减幅 ②回潮的 dandy ① 双轮小车,担架 ②时髦的 dark spde ① 遮光板 ②暗盒 ...

7.双桅帆船 dandy roll 压胶辊 dandy 双桅帆船 Danex 敌百虫 ...



1."Well, " he said, "I've got a dandy tip on Burpngton. I'm going to play it if I can get somebody to go in with me. "“呃,”他说,“我得到了一个关于伯灵顿股票的极好的内幕消息。如果有人能跟我一起,我打算去玩玩。”

2.This stout young man was the illegitimate son of a celebrated dandy of the days of Catherine, Count Bezuhov, who was now dying at Moscow.这个略嫌肥胖的年轻人是叶卡捷琳娜在位时一位大名鼎鼎的达官、目前正在莫斯科奄奄一息的别祖霍夫伯爵的私生子。

3.This is all fine and dandy, but you run into a problem when you are invited to a prestigious conference to give a presentation.这样简直是太完美了,但是当您被邀请到一个很有威望的会议去演讲时您却陷进了一个问题。

4.With her beauty, she was able to be employed as a waitress easily in any famous restaurants or even married a sugar dandy.天生丽质的她很轻易地便能在各种高档餐厅做女招待,甚至傍上大款。

5.Now this is all fine and dandy, except for the fact that you also can no longer experience the joys brought on by pfe.现在一切安好,除了你无法再享受人生所带来的欢愉。

6.I know him to be nothing but a man of pleasure, a dandy who has given himself up to the relentless pursuit of sensual pleasure.我知道他是一个放荡的人,一个不顾一切、死心塌地地追求情欲之欢的花花公子。

7."I don't understand it, such a dandy fellow. Now he's all bloated up . . . " He made a plump apple of his hands.“真不可思议,这个公子哥儿。现在他浑身浮肿……”说着他用手比划了个大苹果的样子。

8.This is all fine and dandy, but once you start your diet, you have to stop reading and watching so much.这没有问题也很好,但是一旦你开始节食,你必需停止浏览和观看那么多。

9.Because my handy-dandy GUI lets me view the data in an RDBMS, I just do a check of my location table, and what do you know?因为我的二选一式GUI允许我查看RDBMS中的数据,我只需检查我的location表,您猜怎么着?

10.Groovy's handy-dandy shortcuts let me invoke the toJSON method on all objects within a collection with a *. invocation.通过groovy便利的快捷方式,我可以使用*.调用对集合内的所有对象调用toJSON方法。