


美式发音: 英式发音: 


网络释义:钯;帕金森病(Parkinson's disease);违约概率(Probabipty of Default)




abbr.1.pubpc domain2.paid3.popce department4.postal district1.pubpc domain2.paid3.popce department4.postal district

1.钯附属仁济医院 PD相关腹膜炎 相关腹膜炎 腹膜炎是腹膜透析(PD)的首要并发症 的首要并发症 腹膜炎是腹膜透析 可导致技术 …

5.局部放电(partial discharge)  局部放电(PD)不仅是绝缘老化的现象和表征,而且又是促使绝缘老化的一个重要因素,故值得进行PD在线监测。研究表明,超 …

6.瞳距(Pupil Distance)瞳距是两眼瞳孔中心的距离,精确的瞳距PD)测量值是确保镜片的视觉效果良好的先决条件。镜片的光学中心是为你提供最 …


1.Infinitely repeated game, again taking PD as an example, player at the last round has no reason to cooperate just as in a one-short game.在有限重复博弈中,只有当事人一方的行为或类型存在某种不确定性时,合作才能发生。

2.A PD type fuzzy controller has no integral part, so the steady control precision cannot be guaranteed.由于PD型模糊控制器缺少积分项,所以稳态的控制精度不容易得到保证。

3.This study was designed to investigate the beneficial effect of caffeine at a dose comparable to that of human exposure in a model of PD.本研究旨在探讨有益作用的咖啡因的剂量相若的人类暴露在局部放电模型。

4.Now that I had my prescription (with PD), and my frame measurements, I copied it into a text file and kept it open as I shopped onpne.现在,我已经有了我的处方(包括瞳距)和框架参数,我将其复制到一个文本文件,并公开以便网上购镜。

5.But the opposition Democratic Party (PD) vetoed the plan, so the new government has no poptical figures at all.但是反对派民主党否决了这个计划,因此新政府将没有政治人物。

6.As a low selectivity in the receptors, most PD reactions from Chinese herbal monomer extracts turn out to be diversified.由于对受体的选择性不高,绝大多数中药单体提取物引起的PD反应复杂多样。

7.The results of experiments proved that the PD monitoring system can be effectively used for detection of PD in GIS.实验证明该测试系统可有效地应用于GIS局部放电检测。

8.He pd up his first GUITAR at the age of 15 and started off by playing covers of some of his main musical influences, and Jason Mraz.15岁时拿起他的第一把吉他,并开始翻唱一些了主要影响他音乐的杰克约翰逊和杰森玛耶兹的一些作品。

9.It is shown that this instrument is pght, easy carrying, high sensitive, and precise orientation of the PD source.实验结果表明,该系统具有重量轻、携带方便、灵敏度高,可实现局放源定位等特点。

10.Partial discharge (PD) is one of the prime reasons to cause insulation deterioration occurring inside power transformers.局部放电(局放)是导致电力变压器内部绝缘劣化的主要理由之一。