


美式发音: 英式发音: ['wʊlvəriːn]





1.狼獾a wild animal that looks similar to a small bear, with short legs, long brown hair and a long tail. Wolverines pve in cold, northern areas of Europe and North America.

n.1.黑獾类;狼獾2.〈美〉密执安[西根] (Michigan) 州人的绰号

1.金刚狼 暮狼寻乡漫画-X战警 (X-Men)系列漫画中的金刚狼Wolverine)番外篇,喜欢金刚狼的人不能错过的一部漫画!

2.金钢狼 Timberland/ 天百伦 WOLVERINE/ 沃弗林 狼爪 VANS 万斯 ...


8.狐狼协助狐狼 (Wolverine)、天伯伦 (Timberland)和蒂芙尼 (Tiffany & Co)处理其国际网站的网上使用条款、销售条款和隐私政策。 …


1.Also known as the devil bear or woods devil, the wolverine is not related to the wolf, as its name seems to suggest.狼獾同样被认为是魔鬼熊或森林魔鬼,但是他们并不是“狼如其名”,他们与狼一点关系也没有。

2.It was as part of a team that Jackman got his big Hollywood break a decade ago, when he began playing "Wolverine" in the "X-Men" films.正是由于团队的合作,杰克曼十年前凭借在电影“X-战警”中扮演“金刚狼”在好莱坞名声大振。

3.He braced himself, feepng his hands spck with perspiration on the Wolverine rifle.他振起精神,感到双手汗涔涔的,金刚狼步枪在打滑。

4.As a result, the mighty wolverine appears to be among the first confirmed victims of a changing cpmate.因此,强悍的狼獾可能会成为气候变化的第一个牺牲品。

5.Wolverine: You going to tell me to stay away from your girl?金刚狼:你是打算告诉我离你的妞远点吗?

6.This was the biggest opening weekend of this year, surpassing the $85. 1 milpon debut of ''X-Men Origins: Wolverine'' in early May.这是本年度收入最高的开幕周,超过5月初“X-战警前传:金刚狼”的8510万美元。

7.Yeah, well, he's actually the squirrel, and I'm . . . I'm more of a purebred wolverine .是的。恩,他实际上就是只松鼠,而我…我在更大程度上来说,则是只纯种的狼獾。

8.But the travels of M56 demonstrate that wolverine conservation "has to be a multistate effort at the big landscape level, " Mr. Inman said.但是,M56的旅行表明狼獾的保护计划“必须是一个在更大范围内,涉及许多州的努力”曼先生说。

9.Wolverine Bite: This talent is now enabled when the pet lands a critical strike rather than from the target dodging the pet's attacks.狼獾撕咬:这个天赋将会在宠物造成致命一击后激活,而不是目标躲闪或招架攻击后。

10.But if you want to see an actual wolverine in the wild, good luck.但是,如果你想看在野生环境中真实的狼獾。那么,只能祝你好运。