




1.第一百 90 90th ninetieth 第九十 100 one hundredth 第一百; 21 21st twenty-first 第二十一 ...

2.百分之一 centipede 蜈蚣 one hundredth: 百分之一: centimetre 厘米 ...

3.百分一 Proper fraction 真分数 One hundredth 百分一 Pyramid 锥体(金字塔) ...


1.Measurements of bones recovered from the site reveal that the new species was one hundredth the size of T-rex.对现场寻获的骨骼进行测量表明,这一新发现物种的体型是霸王龙的百分之一。

2.Copacabana, also known as the "Princess of the Sea" , has just celebrated its one hundredth birthday and is more beautiful than ever.刚刚庆祝了它的第一百周岁生日的,以“海之公主”而闻名的科帕卡巴纳,也比以往更美丽

3.Prince Gamani, even though he was the one-hundredth in pne to the throne, was lucky enough to have the best teacher.尽管伽摩尼王子在王位的继承顺序上排在第一百位,他却很幸运地得到了最好的老师。

4.They were playing for the national championship in the last regular-season game of the one hundredth year of college football.他们是在最后一场常规赛中争夺全国冠军,这种大学橄榄球赛已经举办了整整一百年了。

5.We are talking about incredible small amout but that was more than one hundredth of the penny that our competitors would pay.我们以上所说的不过是一小部分,但是,我们的竞争对手,要比我们多耗费100分。

6.The work is expected to be completed by June of twenty-thirteen. Next year is the museum's one hundredth anniversary.这项工作预计将于2013年6月完成。明年是该博物馆一百周年纪念。

7.On Wednesday, Mister Obama marked his one hundredth day by speaking at a school in the state of Missouri.周三奥巴马先生在密苏里一所大学校中发表讲话,庆祝他的百日。

8.Track races are measured by time, accurate to one hundredth of a second.径赛项目用时间来测定成绩,精确到百分之一秒。

9.It was the one hundredth anniversary of presidential first pitches.今年是总统为棒球比赛投出第一球一百周年。

10.When you won the 100 butterfly by one, one hundredth of a second, what were you thinking about the role of fame, the role of luck?当你以超过第二名0.01秒的成绩赢得100米蝶泳的时候,你怎样认为名声的作用,运气的作用?