




1.星光 01.DAWN 黎明 02.STARSHINE 星光 03.PASSING CLOUDS 穿过云雾 ...

2.星震 ... 玛俐欧格斗 Mario Combat 星光闪耀 StarShine 战争传说2 Myth Wars 2 ...

5.星光魅力 ... 倚天 YITIAN 星光魅力 STARSHINE 婉珊 WANSHAN ...

6.群星闪耀 THINK, 思想、创想。 Starshine 群星闪耀 gpnt 闪烁的 ...


1.Haley Starshine: Wait, so you've been a woman for all of five minutes and you already got some guy's room number?等等,你变成女人总共才五分钟你就已经有别人的房间号了?

2.Haley Starshine: You know, I think those grapes I was eating must have fermented, because I'd swear that you're dressed as a.我说,我想我刚吃的葡萄肯定已经发酵了,因为我发誓你穿得像个。

3.Haley Starshine : What was I going to do, take a percentage of their dirt?我能怎么着,从他们的土里拿提成?

4.Haley Starshine: You want to pull the strings, you got to pay the piper!你想把我们当提线木偶,就得付钱给伴奏!

5.Haley Starshine: Not the point!问题不在这!

6.Haley Starshine: Besides, it was kinda fun, and we got to beat up some ogres.另外,这很有趣啊,而且我们狠揍了几个食人魔。

7.Haley Starshine: You know what, the servants are off getting more grapes anyway, I'll go get V.你知道吗,既然仆人们离开去拿葡萄了,我去叫V。

8.Haley Starshine: Or were you bitten by a woman, and now you turn into one when the moon is full?或者你曾被一个女人咬过,现在每当月圆就会变身?

9.Haley Starshine: I wonder if having the urge to plunge my chopsticks into my brain constitutes a secret?我想知道我是否真有把筷子插进脑子里抠出秘密的冲动?

10.Haley Starshine: So wait, you put the magic belt on wilpngly? ?等等,你自愿穿上了变性腰带??