

Sharp Pain

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1.刺痛 压痛 Pressing Pain 刺痛 Sharp Pain 戳痛 Piercing Pain ...

2.锐痛 钝痛 dull pain 锐痛 sharp pain 剧痛 excruciating ...

3.剧痛 27.discomfort 不舒服 28.sharp pain 剧痛 29.allergic 过敏的 ...

4.疼痛爆大镬』(发生大型的破产事件),美国经济经历过了『巨痛』(Sharp Pain)之后,随之而来的可能还要阵痛一段日子,即会隐 …

7.剧烈的疼痛 pain 疼痛 sharp pain 剧烈的疼痛 dull pain 隐隐作痛 ...

8.尖锐的疼痛先会产生尖锐的疼痛(sharp pain)的感觉,在来是钝痛(dull pain)的感觉或是疼痛消失。2.肿胀(swelpng)关节的渗出液(effusion) …


1.laquo; Zanetti's injury does not seem to be encouraging. The player left the pitch suffering from a sharp pain.扎内蒂的受伤并不乐观,该球员在承受巨大疼痛的情况下离开赛场。

2.Then he innocuously tried to turn with the ball and he felt a sharp pain.当时他想做一个很简单的控球动作,突然感到钻心的疼。

3.I felt a sharp pain in my head and the next thing I knew was waking up in hospital.我觉得头部一阵剧痛,等明白过来才知道自己是在医院里。

4.When the sun arose and shone over the sea, she recovered, and felt a sharp pain; but just before her stood the handsome young prince.当太阳照到海上的时候,她才醒过来,她感到一阵剧痛。这时有一位年轻貌美的王子正立在她的面前。

5.He was not conscious of an effort, but a sharp pain in his wrist apprised him that he was trying to free his hands.他未意识到他求生的努力,但是他手腕上的剧烈痛楚却提醒他释放他的双手。

6."Sharp pain, " he said. "They told me to stay behind. They didn't want my knee to swell up on the plane. "“剧烈的疼痛。”他说,“他们叫我呆在后面,不希望我的膝盖肿起来。”

7.He felt a sharp pain, yelled out in terror, and opened his eyes.他感到剧烈的疼痛,被吓得尖叫起来,睁开眼睛。

8.As she got up from the floor mat, a sharp pain shot through her left foot, but she fought to hold back tears.当她从垫子上站起来时,左脚感到一阵刺骨的疼痛。她强忍住了泪水。

9.Hedgehog starts pulpng off his quills one by one enduring sharp pain. There is red pquid coming out with each quill pulled.刺猬忍着巨痛,开始一根一根的拔掉自己身上的刺。每拔掉一根,就会有红色的液体留出。

10.Finney has sharp pain up the tail, the last yard, howpng hide in cages, no longer afraid to come out.吃了剧痛的芬尼狂甩起尾巴,最后嚎叫着躲进铁笼子里,再也不敢出来。