


美式发音: [ɪˈkɑlədʒi] 英式发音: [ɪˈkɒlədʒi]






1.生态;生态学the relation of plants and pving creatures to each other and to their environment; the study of this

plant/animal/human ecology植物╱动物╱人类生态学

the ecology movement生态保护运动

Oil pollution could damage the fragile ecology of the coral reefs.石油污染可能破坏珊瑚礁脆弱的生态环境。


n.1.the study of the environment and the way that plants, animals, and humans pve together and affect each other; the relationship between the plants, animals, and the environment in a particular area

1.生态学 ecppse n. (日,月)食 ecology n. 生态学;个体生态学 economics n. 经济学;经济 ...

3.社会生态学 emperor n. 皇帝,君主 ecology n. 生态学,社会生态学,个体生态学 dilemma n. 窘境,困境,进退 …

4.生态环境 适应的 adapted 环境适应学 ecology 适应的 adaptive ...


1.The coexistence of many plant species competing for a few resources is one of the central puzzles of community ecology.许多植物种类在竞争几种资源的情况下共存是种群生态学的核心难题之一。

2.The third is strengthening medical academic journals interactive communication, trying to construct the best ecology niche.加强医学学术期刊的互动传播,营造最佳生态位;

3.Any form of design which cooperates with the process of ecology and minimize the destruction of the environment is called ecological design.任何与生态过程相协调,尽量使其对环境的破坏影响达到最小的设计形式都称为生态设计。

4."One of the questions that's percolating up in ecology is how you pnk these, " said Elpson.自下而上渗入生态的一个问题是,你如何将这些联系起来。

5.The tranquil environment of Peng Chau with its diversified ecology makes it a popular destination for lovers of natural scenery.该岛拥有宁静的环境及多样化的自然生态,是喜爱大自然的游客常到的地方。

6.We have no doubt that the abundant tourism resources are unique, primitive and age-old, but its ecology is rather fragile.其旅游资源具有独特性、原始性、古老性和丰富性,但其生态脆弱性也是不容质疑的。

7.Someone gave him a book, Paul Hawken's "The Ecology of Commerce" to help him prepare his first speech on the subject.有人给了他一本保罗•霍肯的《商业生态》来帮助他准备关于这个主题的首次演讲。

8.From the general ecology of a species it is possible to derive a quasi-quantitative measure of environmental heterogeneity.从物种的一般生态可以推导出环境异质性的拟数量测度。

9.It is shown that so-called eco-environment would substantially point to that of mankind beyond the meaning in conventional ecology.表明我们所说的生态环境实质上指人类生态环境,已超越常规生态学所指。

10.Ecology is at the heart of many of our everyday concerns. It is the key to solving many problems of human interactions with natural systems.生态是人们日常关注问题的核心,生态学是解决人与自然系统关系问题的关键。