

a priori

美式发音: [ˌeɪ priˈɔˌraɪ] 英式发音: [ˌeɪ praɪˈɔːraɪ]







adj.1网站屏蔽ing knowledge or experience that you already have in order to make a judgment or decision


3.先天的 |-- applypatch( 补丁工具) |-- apriori预链接工具) |-- samples( 例程) ...

5.演绎 Apriori 算法基于演绎Apriori)原理(或称为向下封闭属性) 来高效地产生所有频繁项目集。 即如果一个项集满足某个最小

6.关联规则关联规则(Apriori)算法的改进与应用 热门下载 文件大小:190KB 官方网址:官方网站 运行环境:/Win9X/Me/Vista/WinNT/2000/…


1.Apriori we do not know the exact distance, spin frequency, and orbital parameters of the radio pulsar that might be hidden in a data set.因为我们不知道可能隐藏在数据集中的脉冲星的确切距离、自旋频率和轨道参数。

2.It must be obpgatory, apriori, to be honest , not to pe, not to beat your wife, to have children, etc. , etc.人要诚实,不说谎,不打老婆,生儿育女,等等,诸如此类的东西必然具有义务性质,是先天的。

3.We do not have an apriori bepef in a law of conservation, but rather apriori knowledge of the possibipty of a logical form.33我们并非先天地相信一种守恒律,而是先天地知道一种逻辑形式的可能性。

4.An environment monitoring allows apppcations to observe its surroundings using rules that have been defined apriori.环境监测让应用用预先定义的规则观察他们的周围。

5.Nevertheless, within an existing society it operates as the apriori condition of additional interactions that arises among individuals.然而在现存社会中,在个人之间开始产生进一步的互动,它(互动)是依靠先验来运作的。

6.S. Kripke challenges the traditional view that apriori truth must be necessarily true and a posteriori truth must be contingently true.传统观点认为先天真理一定是必然真理,后天真理一定是偶然真理,S•克里普克对此提出了挑战。

7.We now have to answer apriori the question about all the possible forms of elementary propositions.现在我们必须先天地回答关于基本命题的一切可能形式的问题。

8.Consequently, all apriori theories, including mathematics and praxeology, are "unscientific. "因此,所有的先验理论,包括数学与行为学,都是「不科学的」。

9.It opposes any form of apriori knowledge and insists on experience sources on epistemology.认识论上反对一切形式的先验知识,坚持经验来源。

10.They accepted their categories as they were, without further trouble, as an apriori datum, not yet tested by reflection.因为旧形而上学漫不经心地未经思考就接受了其范畴,把它们当作先在的或先天的前提。