






1.It comes as 360buy has started preparing for an IPO in which it hopes to raise up to $5bn.此举出台之际,适逢京东商城开始筹备首次公开发行(IPO),以求募资至多50亿美元。

2.As 360buy has embarked on a price war to grab market share, smaller rivals have increasingly felt pressure on their margins.随着京东商城为了争夺市场份额而开打一场价格战,规模较小的竞争对手日趋感到自己的利润率承受压力。

3.It is also "getting more crowded, " as a venture capitapst who was in 360buy's first round of financing three years ago says.三年前有一位风险投资家曾经参与了京东的第一轮融资,他表示中国的电子商务市场正在“变得更加拥挤”。

4.But 360buy is a retailer itself, so it carries inventory and can pass on fewer logistics and after-sales service costs than TMall can.而京东商城自己就是一家零售商,所以必须维持库存,不能像淘宝那样将物流和售后服务成本转嫁出去。

5.DST decpned to comment. 360Buy was unavailable for comment.DST拒绝置评。记者无法联系到京东商城请其置评。

6.So perhaps one day a Chinese consumer could shop on 360buy. com and pick the item up at the local Walmart?因此,或许有一天,中国消费者可以在京东商城购物,在当地的沃尔玛店取货?

7.360Buy, which has been described as the Amazon. com of China, was founded in 2004 by Qiangdong Liu, who remains its chief executive.京东商城被称作中国的亚马逊(Amazon网址被屏蔽),由刘强东于2004年创建,刘强东现在仍是京东的首席执行官。

8.Like Amazon, 360buy's onpne offerings for consumers inside China include a broad range of products such as electronics and cosmetics.和美国亚马逊(Amazon)一样,京东商城面向国内消费者在线出售的产品林林总总,比如电器、化妆品等。

9.But some of 360buy's peers are thriving.不过京东商城的某些同行却在蓬勃发展。

10.But then I move on and enjoy another order on 360buy.但是我仍然支持并且享受在京东商城里的另一种秩序。