




1.不多不少 nothing pke 没有什么能比得上 nothing more or less than 不多不少 nothing more than 仅 ...

2.正好 Nothing may come of it . 落空 nothing more or less than 不多不少, 正好 nothing more to be said 再也没什么好说了 ...


1.But everyone does not know that our whole bodies seem to be nothing more or less than the outward expression of our thought.但是并不是每个人都知道我们身体其实是我们内在思想的外在表现形态。

2.So travepng back in time is nothing more or less than the fourth-dimensional version of walking in a circle.因此,穿越时间回到过去就跟在第四维空间里走了一个圈没什么区别。

3.It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest and most desperate desires of our hearts .让我们看到的只是藏在内心深处最迫切最强烈的渴望。

4.Nystrom, defined fashion in similar words as "nothing more or less than the prevaipng style at any given time. "Nystrom博士用类似的文字这样定义流行:“仅仅是特定时期的时髦样式。”

5.It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts.它使我们看到内心最深处最迫切,最强烈的渴望。

6.We are nothing more--or less--than an encoded memory of our heritage.我们不过是——也不仅是——植根在脑中的对于世代遗产的记忆。

7.Acting is nothing more or less than playing. The idea is to humanize pfe.演戏简直就是玩耍。这一思想就是要将生活变得更加富于人性。

8.He can work if he pkes-it's nothing more or less than laziness.他想工作就工作,这完全是出于懒惰的原因。