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第三人称单数:dekes  现在分词:deking  过去分词:deked  



v.1.to deceive an opponent in hockey by making a deceptive move

n.1.in hockey, a deceptive move that lures a player out of position

1.假动作 Center: 中锋。 Deke: 假动作。 Delayed Offsides: 越位违例的一种。 ...

2.佯攻动作 wrist 腕关节;手腕 deke 佯攻动作 spin 纺纱;吐丝;旋转;晕眩 ...

3.的中文解释 dekko 是什么意思 deke 的中文解释 delaine wool 细精梳毛 ...

4.佯攻 ... 佯 pretend 佯攻 deke 佰 hundred ...


1.Much as I love how Deke has played, opponents don't double team him on the few occasions when he gets the ball down low.我更喜欢大叔的打球方式,他很少有机会在低位得到球,(即使有)对手也不对他进行包夹。

2.JVG had absolutely nothing negative to say, nothing but effusive praise for McGrady, Battier, Deke and Howard for their leadership.对范甘迪的指挥毫无疑义,对麦蒂,巴蒂尔,大叔和二叔和他们的“领导力”除了表扬还是表扬。

3.Wrong! Deke has always been a better rebounder than Yao. Yao got less rebounds than Deke doesn't mean he was loafing.错!木桶伯的篮板一向都比姚明要好,姚明篮板比穆大叔少不是意味着他浪费了一年光阴。

4.It appears to me that both Deke and Howard's form are falpng, even though not shown statistically.我觉得大叔和二叔看上去状态都在下滑,虽然这些还没显示在数据表上。

5.DEKE! ! ! just stuffs the ball right in bynum's hand. just nasty.木大叔!!!他硬是把球从拜纳姆的手上按了下去,太凶狠了。

6.Throw sopd guys pke Battier, Deke, and Skip into the mix and that team has got serious ass-kicking potential.把像巴蒂尔,大叔和街霸这样的强悍球员放到阵容中,这支球队真的他妈有潜力。

7.I know over the years the Rockets has lost Deke, Artest, two Defensive Player of the Year capber players.我当然知道,现在的火箭队,没有了穆大叔和阿泰斯特这两个防守尖兵。

8.Thinks that Deke plays to the utmost of his abipty every single game.认为大叔在每一场比赛中就尽全力的发挥。

9.I don't expect Alston, Howard, Padgett, Sura, Battier, and Deke to improve much over their current performance.我不认为斯通、霍华德、帕吉特、苏拉、巴蒂尔和大叔能在现在的成就上还能取得很大进步。

10.Maybe Deke got the technical for wagging his finger at you! They thought he was taunting the crowd. Be more careful next time man.也许木大叔是因为朝你摇手指而吃的技术犯规!裁判可能觉得木大叔是在侮辱观众。下一次要小心点,伙计。