




1.冈萨雷斯 Gordon 戈登 Gonzalez 冈萨雷斯 Gardner 加德纳 ...

2.冈撒雷斯 ... Benfold 本福尔德号 Gonzalez 冈萨雷斯号 Gonzalez 科尔号 ...

4.冈萨蕾斯 布尔迪索( Burdisso) 路易斯-冈萨雷斯( Gonzalez) 乌斯塔里( Ustari) ...

6.冈萨雷兹商店  华埠坚尼路上的冈萨雷兹商店Gonzalez)的德米崔欧(Demetrio)说,这个商店由叔叔和他一起经营。他的叔叔守店,他则 …



1."Absent a car manufacturing business, the dealerships would not seem to serve any purpose for the debtor, " Gonzalez said.“缺席的汽车制造企业,经销商似乎没有起任何作用的债务人,”冈萨雷斯说。

2.Mr Gonzalez said the technique, which has already won an innovation prize, could also be used to cover other surfaces.这一技术已经荣获一项发明奖,还可以用于其他表面物体上。

3.Helping Gonzalez overcome the tangle of forms necessary to apply to college was one of the smaller services Aspira provided students.帮助冈扎勒士填写申请入学所需要的复杂表格是埃斯皮拉为学生提供的较次要的一个服务项目。

4.OSCAR GONZALEZ from the State of Oaxaca works as a cook in New York. He sends home $350 a week.奥斯卡冈萨雷斯,来自哇哈卡,在纽约做厨师,他每月寄回家350美元。

5.Gonzalez was being held in a Brooklyn jail. Prosecutors would not comment on the whereabouts of the two Russians.冈萨雷斯现被拘于布鲁克林监狱,另两名俄罗斯人的拘押地点则没有透漏。

6.They were led by two local guys -- Omar Gonzalez -- give it up - and A. J. DeLaGarza who won a national championship at Maryland.由本地的两个家伙——奥马尔•冈萨雷斯——放弃它,及在马里兰大学赢得全国冠军的德拉卡萨缔造。

7.The case of Rene Gonzalez, who holds dual American and Cuban citizenship, and four other agents imprisoned for espionage in the U.雷内·冈萨雷斯持美国、古巴双重公民身份,他与其他四名特工因被判在美国从事间谍活动而遭收押入狱。

8.Maru Gonzalez, who comes from a Puerto Rican family, is an Obama supporter from Atlanta, Georgia, who came here to help with the campaign.来自于波多黎各家庭的玛鲁•冈萨雷斯是奥巴马的支持者,她从乔治亚的亚特兰大城来到这里辅助竞选。

9.If you talk to Anthony Gonzalez, you will reapze quickly that there is no talking him into slowing down on the road.如果想和安东尼-冈萨雷斯交谈,你会意识到想要他在路上慢下来的话,那是不可能的事情。

10.Itapans have been drawn to the Capri South Beach, a condo building with downtown views and its own marina, says broker Nelson Gonzalez.经纪人冈萨雷斯(NelsonGonzalez)说,意大利人一直青睐CapriSouthBeach,这座公寓楼可以俯瞰市中心,还有自己的码头。