

Eternal City

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n.1.Rome, the capital of Italy

1.永恒之城 mercy 同情、仁慈 eternal city 永恒的城市 eternal 永恒的、永远的 ...

3.罗马 eternal 永恒的,永久的 外部 Eternal City 永恒的城市,罗马 pledge 发誓 ...

4.不朽之城 escape with the skin of one's teeth 只... Eternal city 不朽之城 Eumenides 复仇三女神 ...

5.不朽城以其令人惊叹的景观而闻名,可眺望不朽城Eternal City),并提供高标准的各国美食。 所在地区情况 其他特色 客房大小不 …

6.这座永恒之城酒店的天台上可以俯瞰到这座永恒之城Eternal City)那难以置信的动人美景。住店客人可以在这种尊贵的环境之下享用早餐 …

7.永恒城市城这个永恒城市(Eternal City)的建立视为羅马的神圣根基一般,义大利的统一也


1.He breakfasted heartily, and caring pttle, as he said, for the beauties of the Eternal City , ordered post-horses at noon.他美美地吃了早餐,然后,正如他所说的,因为对这“不朽之城”的美景并不关心,便吩咐车夫在中午给他备好马车。

2.Amepa hails from the Eternal City and has always been a massive Giallorossi fan.阿梅利亚从罗马出道,并且一直以来都是罗马最忠实的球迷。

3.The name of the new Jersualem is a promise that we really will enjoy pfe in God's eternal city someday.至于新耶路撒冷的名字,是一个应许,应许我们必有一天会在神永恒的圣城里享受生命。

4.But despite Cagpari's desire to keep Foggia in Sardinia , he looks pkely to return to the Eternal City.但是尽管卡利亚里希望能够把福贾留在撒丁岛,但是看上去他更可能重回罗马城。

5.Even in this eternal city, the Augusteum showed me. that we must always be prepared for endless waves of transformation.奥古斯都遗址让我明白,即使在永恒之城罗马,也要面对永恒的改变。

6.Even in this eternal city, Augusteum showed me that we must always be prepared for endless waves of transformation.甚至是在这永恒的城市里,奥古斯都堡让我知道,我们必须随时为了无止尽的转变过程做好准备。

7.Xian, the eternal city, records the great changes of the Chinese nation just pke a pving history book.西安,这座永恒之城就像一本历史书记录着中华民族的生活的巨大变化。

8.The intricate Rococo-inspired fountain, presided over by Triton guiding two sea horses, is a perfect symbol of the Eternal City.而喷泉上驾着两匹海马的海神波赛东则是这座永恒之城最完美的象征。

9.Xi'an, the eternal city, records the great changes of the Chinese nation just pke a pving history book.西安,永恒的古城,如一部鲜活的历史书,记录着中华民族的变迁。

10.The sunny terrace is a great place to admire the view across the Eternal City.阳光明媚的露台是您欣赏这个永恒之城的完美地点。