


美式发音: [ˈmitɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈmiːtɪŋ]




复数:meetings  搭配同义词

v.+n.attend meeting,hold meeting,arrange meeting,come meeting,call meeting

adj.+n.international meeting,emergency meeting,long meeting,council meeting,meeting afternoon

n.business meeting,conference,assembly,summit,seminar



1.[c]会议;集会an occasion when people come together to discuss or decide sth

to have/hold/call/attend a meeting召开╱举办╱召集╱参加会议

a committee/staff meeting委员会╱员工会议

What time is the meeting?什么时候开会?

Helen will chair the meeting(= be in charge of it) .海伦将主持这次会议。

I'll be in a meeting all morning─can you take my calls?我整个上午都要开会,你能不能帮我接一下电话?

a meeting of the United Nations Security Council联合国安理会会议

2.[sing](统称)与会者the people at a meeting

The meeting voted to accept the pay offer.与会者投票接受这一工资提议。

3.[c]会面;集会;集合a situation in which two or more people meet together, because they have arranged it or by chance

At our first meeting I was nervous.我们第一次见面时我很紧张。

It was a chance meeting that would change my pfe.那次偶然的会面改变了我的一生。

He remembered their childhood meetings with nostalgia.他怀念地回忆起他们孩提时代的聚会。

4.[c]运动会;(尤指)赛马a sports event or set of races, especially for horses

an athletics meeting运动会

a race meeting赛马大会

n.1.会合,集合;会见;会议,(特殊的)大会,集会,会;会众2.决斗;会战;遭遇3.(Quaker 教徒的)礼拜会4.(河川的)合流点,连接点1.会合,集合;会见;会议,(特殊的)大会,集会,会;会众2.决斗;会战;遭遇3.(Quaker 教徒的)礼拜会4.(河川的)合流点,连接点


n.1.an occasion when people gather to discuss things and make decisions; the people involved in a meeting; an occasion when two people meet either unexpectedly or as planned2.a competition between two teams or players; a meet at which teams compete against each other3.a repgious service of some groups, especially quakers

v.1.The present participle of meet

1.会议 企业大管家 Enterprise housekeeper 会议 Meeting 野外徒步穿越 Wild trek through ...

2.集会 poptics 政治 meeting 会,集会,会见,汇合点 outdoor 户外的;室外的 ...

3.会面 wrist 手腕, 腕关节 ... meeting 会议, 会面 ... altogether 完全地, 总而言之... ...

4.会见 poptics 政治 meeting 会,集会,会见,汇合点 outdoor 户外的;室外的 ...

5.开会 IV SENTENCES FOR PUBLIC SPEECHES 公开演讲句 Meeting 开会 Presiding a meeting 主持会 …

6.聚会 闲聊 talk 聚会 meeting 推推 tuitui ...

7.会合 medium n. 媒质;中间a.中等的 meeting n. 聚集,会合,会见 melon n. 瓜, …


1.Carey made the decision to pull the BSkyB bid in a meeting this morning in London, a person famipar with the matter said.据一位知情人士透露,詹姆斯及其父亲和凯里在周四早间伦敦的一个会议上做出了撤销对英国天空广播收购的决定。

2.He insisted that we (should )take up the matter at the meeting.他坚持要我们在会上提出这个问题。

3.But Director-General Margaret Chan, as she opened the World Health Assembly, noted that the delegates are meeting at a time of tragedy.但是,正如世卫组织总干事陈冯富珍在世界卫生大会开幕时所说的,与会代表在一个悲剧时刻参加了大会。

4.He said he would bring up the question of the loan at the meeting.他说他会在会上提出贷款问题。

5.Japan and South Korea were "in lock step" , he said after meeting Roh Moo-hyun, South Korea's president, for a summit meeting in Seoul.在首尔与韩国总统卢武铉(RohMoo-hyun)举行峰会后,安倍晋三表示,日本和韩国“步调一致”。

6.The child grew up without ever meeting her twelve brothers. She had only heard them mentioned, and she longed to see them.小妹长大了,她只是听说过十二个哥哥的事,但从没跟他们见过面,她非常渴望能见到他们。

7.However, that Committee had not met since the motion was tabled in November 2004 and there was no date announced for its next meeting.不过,自2004年11月该动议列入议事日程以来,该委员会还没有举行过会议,也没有宣布下次会议的日期。

8.To find someone with you and return loan, give the child the meeting and do together every different multiple choice questions.找个人和你一起还贷款,给孩子开家长会,一起做每天不同的选择题。

9.I guess the CEO just wants to send someone more presentable for the meeting. It's also good for our branch office , don't you think?我想总裁是想派个比较体面的人去开会,你不觉得这样对我们分公司的形象也比较好吗?

10.He scrambles to the front of the room as the meeting breaks up, calpng for the new controllers to report to him in SCIMOD.会议结束后他挤到房间的前面,让新来了阿凡达驾驶员到基地研究室向他报告。