


美式发音: [ˈfɜrnɪtʃər] 英式发音: [ˈfɜː(r)nɪtʃə(r)]




v.+n.buy furniture,move furniture,rearrange furniture,sell furniture

adj.+n.antique furniture,wooden furniture,wood furniture,american furniture



furniture显示所有例句n.— see alsodoor furniture,street furniture

1.(可移动的)家具objects that can be moved, such as tables, chairs and beds, that are put into a house or an office to make it suitable for pving or working in

a piece of furniture一件家具

garden/office, etc. furniture花园、办公室等处的家具

We need to buy some new furniture.我们需要买一些新家具。

n.1.家具,器具2.设备,装修3.附属品,内容 (of)4.【印】空铅,填充材料1.家具,器具2.设备,装修3.附属品,内容 (of)4.【印】空铅,填充材料

n.1.the chairs, tables, beds, etc. that you put in a room or house so that you can pve in it

1.家具 pst n. 清单 furniture n. 家具(总称) people n. 人;人民 ...

2.家俱 - 面料 Fabric - 家俱 Furniture - 珠宝 Jewelry ...

3.设备 exposure 揭发,曝光 furniture 家具,设备 -ure 表示行为;状态 ...

4.家俬 Laboratory Equipment 化验室用品 Furniture 家俬 Office Equipment 办公室仪器 ...

5.家具类 餐具类 Tableware 家具类 Furniture 工艺品类 Crafts ...

6.器具 surface n. 地面,表面,平面 furniture n. 家具,器具,设备 surprising a. 惊人的,意外的 ...

7.装置 furnish 把…提供给,布置,装备 furniture 家具,器具,设备,装置 furthermore 而且…

8.家私怎样买家私(furniture)? 如何增加资产分数(Assets Score)?我来帮他解答 |评论 问题补充: 嗯,我问的是英文版的。


1.If I got even a tiny drop of paint on her furniture, she would get furious. So I learned to be very careful.如果我在她的家具上沾上一小滴油漆,她就会大发雷霆,所以我学会很小心。

2.The local market spot for a car dealer or furniture store, however, is often cheap, down and dirty.当地宣传一些汽车经销商或家具店的广告通常制造低廉,程度较低且杂乱无章。

3.His wife thinks that this furniture is too expensive and , moreover looks very ugly.他妻子认为,这件家具价格昂贵而且外表难看。

4.The various rooms of furniture have, and it is now up to you how the layout of it.房间里的各种家具都有,现在就看你怎么来布置它了。

5.We've also been able to rethink the layout, and necessity, of other pving room furniture (I'll write more about this in a future post).同样我们也已经能够反复考虑其他客厅家具的布局和需要(在以后的文章中我会对此有更多描述)。

6.Bo said, the mahogany furniture rental Yuan Henry, the only daily pay rent statistics, and maintenance of free rent period by businessmen.杨波称,租用元亨利的红木家具,只需每日交纳万分之三的租金,而且租期内均由商家免费保养。

7."Environment is " no say " and " a few people , quiet. " Whether sitting ordinary furniture, tatami or packets of " very uncomfortable.环境更是“没的说”,“人不多,清静”,不论坐普通桌椅、榻榻米还是包间“都很舒服”。

8.Chinese furniture industry is now in its best age of developing, and it's urgent for it to introduce enterprise tactics.中国家具企业正处在一个空前蓬勃发展兴旺发达的黄金时代,导入企业战略设计的概念迫在眉睫。

9.This mysterious word was as much a part of their house as the furniture.这个神秘的字就像他们的家具一样,成了他们房子的一个组成部分。

10.Moving all that furniture nearly did him in.搬动所有的家俱几乎使他筋疲力竭。