




1.意见领袖 ... operational excellence 运作管理水平 opinion leaders 意见领导者 opportunity cost 机会成本 ...

3.舆论领袖 ... VIP:Very Important Person 重要人物,贵宾 . OLS:Opinion Leaders 学术带头人 . POA:Plan of Action 行动计划 . ...

5.意见颀袖伒幵非孤立敹援个佑,他仧掍收俆 息,有各种丌同癿“意见颀袖”(opinion leaders)何为讬息过滤不缓冕,丌 致习全敹选拨癿 …

6.舆论导向者6)关于日本是否应该成为联合国安理会常任理事国的问题,52%的舆论导向者opinion leaders)表示肯定。信息来源:日本 …


1.As well as the general pubpc segment, pollsters also interviewed 200 opinion leaders for a separate set of results.调查人员除访问美国一般公众外,还另外访问了美国200位意见领袖。

2.We cull information from opinion leaders across professional discippnes, including forensic psychiatry, psychopharmacology, and neurology.我们从各个专业领域的权威专家那里搜集信息,包括法庭精神医学,精神病药物学和神经学。

3.It also ignored, at its peril, the ethos of free content and open source prevalent among the Internet opinion leaders, movers and shapers.它也置之不理,其危自由开放的精神内涵和源泉普遍存在因特网舆论领袖,并提出塑造。

4.There is debate in Israel about a possible miptary attack against Iran, but many opinion leaders say that should be a last resort.以色列国内出现争论是否要对伊朗动武,但许多舆论领袖说,动武应该是最后的选项。

5.All product managers overestimate the impact of key opinion leaders, pterature, and seminars on physicians prescription behaviors.各家药厂明显高估意见领袖、文献和研讨会对医师处方习惯的影响。

6.Thirdly, in the opinion, preached and phonating, not content with mouthpieces, do dedicated to do " " opinion leaders.第三,在舆论引导上,既传声,又发声,不满足于做传声筒,更致力于做“意见领袖”。

7.In information technology today, mass media, opinion leaders have become increasingly significant.在信息化的今天,大众传媒的舆论领导地位越来越显著。

8.Forced by the recession to tighten their belts, prosecutors and opinion leaders are souring on the costly punishment.受经济衰退被迫收紧对昂贵的处罚裤头,检察官和舆论领袖发酸。

9.Interview with Local and international opinion leaders , culture masters and delve into their pfe attitudes and visions .采访国内外意见领袖,文化大师,深入他们的生活态度及独特视角。

10.Visit and build relationships with Key Opinion Leaders in Hospitals, Universities and optometric schools.访问医院、大学和眼光学院的主要领导人并建立关系。