

Greenwich Village

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un.1.residential area in lower Manhattan, once popular with bohemians, artists, and writers and now a tourist attraction



1.At the age of nine, Tasha's parents divorced, and she moved to Greenwich Village with her mother.塔莎九岁时父母离异,她跟着母亲搬到了格林威治村。

2.Greenwich Village Halloween Parade is an annual hopday parade and street pageant presented the night of every Halloween in New York City.纽约市每年会在万圣节晚上举行盛大的节日巡游,欢迎市民到场参观热闹的万圣节嘉年华。

3.The march, which had a turnout of thousands, started on Fifth Avenue, and made its way down to Greenwich Village.几千人的游行队伍从第五大道出发,向格林威治村进发。

4.Its size and cultural importance are akin to that of New York City's Greenwich Village.它的规模与重要性类似于纽约的格林威治村。

5.It was also one of the hottest dance bars in Greenwich Village.那里还是格林尼治村里最热辣的舞会酒吧。

6.FreeBeing Records is an homage to a Greenwich Village record store thatexecutive producer Kevin Bright frequented as a kid.“FreeBeingRecords”是向格林威治镇的一家唱片店致敬,因为制片人KevinBright小时候常常光顾那里。

7.Lower Manhattan is no exception as New Yorkers turn out en masse to the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade.当纽约人全体涌向格林威治村举办的万圣节游行时,下曼哈顿也不例外。

8.Taking her up on the offer, he phoned her one evening and received directions to her apartment in Greenwich Village.他接受了女青年的邀请,有天晚上便打电话给她,并被告知去她位于格林威治村(GreenwichVillage)的公寓的路线。

9.The social repression of the 1950s resulted in a cultural revolution in Greenwich Village.在20世纪50年代的一系列社会镇压运动,导致了格林威治村的文化革命。

10.Mr Halterman reckons the magazine's decisions wouldn't be an issue at all in San Francisco or Greenwich Village.哈特曼先生估计,如果在旧金山或格林威治村,杂志社的决策或许并不是问题。