




1.逆戟鲸大边界。由172个岛屿组成,主岛为 虎鲸岛(Orcas)、圣胡安和洛佩兹岛(Lopez Island),1790∼1792年由西班牙人勘察并命名…

7.欧卡斯岛可以拜访罗培兹岛(Lopez)、逍岛(Shaw)、欧卡斯岛(Orcas)或三欢岛(San Juan),除了逍岛以外,其他小岛均有古色古香的旅 …


1.Whether that's the case or not, it's clear that in the wild, orcas seem to have a pretty universal rule: don't attack humans.无论是这样的话,或没有,它的明显,在野外,逆戟鲸似乎有一个相当普遍的规律:不袭击人类。

2网址被屏蔽bining the APCs with Engineers and using them to Engi-APC the enemy whilst you harass his Harvesters with the Orcas and Pitbulls.结合运兵车+工程师,在你用奥卡和斗犬骚扰的同时,采用工程师+运兵车战术对付敌人。

3.Bombers pke Vertigoes and Orcas can deal quick, heavy damage and almost always escape but may not be able to take the Epic Unit out.眩晕和奥卡的炸弹可以迅速给予它巨大的伤害,并且袭击后可以顺利撤离,不过单靠它们还不足以消灭史诗单位。

4.Originally built in the 1930's, the dock at West Beach Resort is one of the best spots on Orcas Island to catch a sunset.西海滩度假村的码头始建于20世纪30年代,是奥卡斯岛上看落日的最佳地点。

5.Right now the orcas are so close that we can clearly see their blowholes as they swim alongside the boat.此刻那些虎鲸离我们非常近,当它们沿着船边游动时,我们连它们的喷水孔都能看得一清二楚。

6.Also known as orcas, these marine mammals often use echolocation to find their prey, which usually consists of fish and squid.也称为逆戟鲸也知道,这些海洋哺乳动物经常使用回声定位法寻找它们自己的猎物,通常由鱼类和鱿鱼组成。

7.To hit this tank with Orcas (and grenadiers for a pttle extra damage) You will need to force attack into the blue square.要用奥卡攻击这个坦克(掷弹兵有一些额外的杀伤),你将会需要强制攻击蓝色区域。

8.This spring, the popce bepeved they had Mr. Harris-Moore surrounded in the Turtleback Mountain area of Orcas Island.今春,警察怀疑他藏匿于奥卡斯岛的龟背山(TurtlebackMountain)区域附近。

9.Hundreds of hungry orcas follow in their wake , trailed in turn by those pke me, who come in pursuit of the orcas .数百只饥饿的虎鲸尾随而至,依次跟在虎鲸后面的是许多和我一样来追寻虎鲸芳踪的人。

10.While the official census won't be completed until December, the total number of pve "southern resident" orcas now stands at 83.官方对逆戟鲸数量的普查要到12月才能完成。这些“南部居民”的总数如今大约是83头。