

Rhode Island

美式发音: [rəud 'ailənd] 英式发音: 



n.1.【城】罗得岛,a state of the northeast United States2.罗德岛州




1.In a way, not much has changed since Walter Scott sold food out of a cart in Providence, Rhode Island, more than a hundred thirty years ago.从某种程度上来说,从一百三十多年前沃尔特·斯科特使用马车在普罗维登斯的罗德岛州卖食物到现在,餐车并没有多大的改变。

2.Slater estabpshed his first mill in 1790 on the Blackstone River in Rhode Island. It was one of the first factories in the United States.斯莱特于1790年,在罗德岛州的布拉克斯东河旁,创建了他的第一座工厂,这是美国境内最初的几间工厂之一。

3.But the court said the law was unclear in New York and Rhode Island, and sent that part of the case back to a lower court for clarification.但是该法院说,纽约州和罗德岛州的法律不是很清楚,部分案件将移送一个下级法院进行处理。

4.In 2002 an ice shelf the size of Rhode Island, which had been stable for at least 10, 000 years, collapsed in just three weeks.2002年,罗德岛大小的一块冰架,一万多年来都保持稳定,但却在3天之内解体了。

5.STEVE EMBER: Around the late eighteen fifties, there was a young man in Providence, Rhode Island, named Walter Scott.史蒂夫:烬,大约十八个五十年代后期,有一个年轻男子在普罗维登斯,罗得岛,名为沃尔特斯科特。

6.Rhode Island would be the only state in the region without such a law.罗德岛州将成为该地区唯一一个没有此类法律的州。

7.By the first half of the 19th century, there were more than 100 mills in Rhode Island that employed thousands of men, women, and children.到了19世纪前半期,罗德岛州已经有超过100间工厂,雇用了数以千计的男工、女工及童工。

8.leaving the crew just a few hours to perfectly position 50 vehicles across a grid the size of Rhode Island.留给队员们的时间不多了,几个小时之内,50辆汽车需要横跨同罗德岛面积相仿的土地,并准确地到达指定地点。

9.Teddy's brother Patrick, who followed their father and is now representative from Rhode Island, sobbed as he heard the story.当时和泰迪一起跟在他们父亲身后的弟弟帕特里克,现在已是罗得岛州的众议员,当他听到这个故事,也泣不成声。

10.She: We were college sweethearts while I was a student at Brown University and Gary was at the Rhode Island School of Design.她:我念布朗大学,Gary念罗德岛设计学院,我们是一对校园甜心。