




1.弹吉他 8.举办聚会. have a meeting. 9.弹吉他 Playing the guitar 10.打网球 play tennis ...

2.手挥琵琶 ... 左搂膝拗步 Brush Left Knee and Twist Step 手挥琵琶 Playing the Guitar ...


1.I stopped playing the guitar, I found a ranch with a beautiful trout stream in Montana, and I moved there from Southern Capfornia.我停止了弹吉他,在蒙大纳买下一个农场,农场周围环绕一条美丽的小河。

2.If he decides in the first few weeks that playing the guitar is not for him, allow him to drop the classes without an argument.如果他在最初的几周就决定,弹吉他不适合他,那就不要与他争辩,放弃这项活动。

3.I found a boy playing the guitar in the corner yesterday.昨天我发现一个男孩在角落里弹吉它。

4.The most important thing to remember about playing the guitar is that you will get better at it as you practice everyday.最主要你们须记牢的有关弹吉它的诀窍就是你会越弹越顺心应手的,只要你坚持每天练。

5.It's pke playing the guitar or knitting or making pie crust from scratch; it takes practice to get good at it.就像是弹吉他,织东西或是学做馅饼,只要勤于练习终会做得很好。

6.Even before I began playing the guitar, I had a great love of the outdoors, in particular, fly-fishing for trout.还是在开始弹吉他以前,我有许多户外爱好,尤其是抛饵钓鱼。

7.Even my wife tells me that I should just concentrate on playing the guitar and not sing.我老婆说我最好专心演奏别边弹边唱。

8.Music when found, ecstasy of eyes turn came of inspiration, while playing the guitar happiness all show incisively and vividly.发现音乐时的欣喜若狂,眼睛一转就来了的灵感,弹吉他时的快乐都表现得淋漓尽致。

9.My neighbor is now playing the guitar, while his son is playing footballon the playground.我的邻居正在弹吉他,而他的儿子正在操场踢足球。

10.The album ends with the same string quartet in its entirety rerecorded with drums, bass and me playing the guitar.专辑的结尾也有同样的弦乐四重奏,整体上还加了鼓、贝斯,还有我自己弹奏的吉他。