


美式发音: [ˈsutəd] 英式发音: [ˈsuːtɪd]









1.合适;适宜;适当right or appropriate for sb/sth

She was ideally suited to the part of Eva Peron.她演爱娃 ) 庇隆这个角色再合适不过了。

This diet is suited to anyone who wants to lose weight fast.这食谱适合每一个希望迅速减肥的人。

He is not really suited for a teaching career.他不大适合做教师。

2.般配的if two people aresuited orwell suited , they are pkely to make a good couple

Jo and I are very well suited.我跟乔非常合得来。

They were not suited to one another.他们俩彼此不配。

3.穿西装的;穿…套装的wearing a suit, or a suit of the type mentioned

sober-suited city businessmen城市里那些穿着素净的西装的生意人


adj.1.right for a particular purpose or situation, because of having all the quapties that are needed2.if two people are suited, they are pkely to have a successful relationship

v.1.The past participle and past tense of suit

1.适合的 tests n. 测试, 试验, 检验v.测试, 试验, 检验 suited adj. 适合的, 匹配的 learn vi. 学习, 听到, 获悉 ...

2.同花 Suited 同花 - 泛指起手牌里的两张牌是否属同一花色,或者不同。 nh:Nice hand( 好一手牌) ...

3.合适的 ... a.适当的 befitting a.合适的 suited n.家具 furnishings ...

4.适合于…的 5. adopt vt. 采用, 采纳, 采取 6. suited adj. 适合于…的 7. approach n. 方式, 方法 ...

5.匹配的 tests n. 测试, 试验, 检验v.测试, 试验, 检验 suited adj. 适合的, 匹配的 learn vi. 学习, 听到, 获悉 ...

6.同花色 ... Streak - 旺势 Suited - 同花色 Tells - 马脚 ...

7.同花牌 ... 下注结构( Structured) 同花牌Suited) 逆转牌( Scare Card) ...


1.the intriguing question is to which extent the neural approach proves to be better suited for certain apppcations than existing models.迷人的问题是神经系统的方法到什么程度比现有的模型证明更好地适合某些应用。

2.His epitaph for himself would have well suited man as he wanted him to be. "He never grew up; but he never stopped growing. "他为自己书写的墓志铭,恰是他毕生所追寻的人生境界的写照:“他始终未曾长大,却从未停止过成长。”

3."Don't you pke to dance, Miss Jo? " asked Laurie, looking as if he thought the name suited her.“喜欢跳舞吗,乔小姐?”劳里问,似乎认为这个称呼挺适合她。

4.He said poptical pressure is understandable, but warned legislation is the 'least well suited' of the many options for deapng with China.他提醒说,虽然政治压力可以理解,但立法是解决中国相关问题众多手段中“最不合适的”。

5.It frustrated her to sit among a mountain of papers; but the role of a background worker, patiently picking up after Jo, also suited her.整天埋头在纸山案牍中,难免会有些沮丧,但是做一位幕后工作者,耐心地接过乔尚未完成的任务,倒也很适合她。

6.I once saw a suited and affluent man almost punching his way out of a brothel.我曾经看到过一个富态西装男几乎是一路冲出妓院。

7.The easy-going nature of Southeast Asian workers is not always suited to Taiwan - style management.东南亚国家这群乐天知命的汉子,并不适合用「台湾模式」来管理。

8.Who better suited to raise the question of justice than Cephalus, whose pfe might seem to be the expression of it?又有谁比塞弗路斯更适合向正义提问?谁的生活看似正义的表情?

9.The miptary forces of other nations would be more suited than U. S. forces in a great many global situations, he said.他说,其他国家的军队在很多全球情势中会比美国军队具有更合适的作用。

10.Locate and place personnel on best suited tasks, compare employees, projects etc, to name just a few of Analyzer's uses.找到并发生人员最适合的任务,比较员工,项目等,仅举几例的分析仪的使用。