




1.祖国统一 加强民族团结 strengthen ethnic sopdarity 祖国统一 national reunification 作主语,用“ in” ...

2.国家统一 ... 经济体制改革 economic restructuring 国家统一 national reunification 改革开放 reform and opening up ...


1.To achieve national reconcipation and unity is an urgent demand of the national reunification movement at present.当前,实现祖国统一和团结是统一运动的紧急要求。

2.Carrying Forward the Practice of "One Country, Two Systems" and Advancing the Great Cause of Peaceful National Reunification in Taiwan.对台湾推进“一国两制”实践和祖国和平统一大业。

3."By our nation itself" is the fundamental idea to be embodied in the national reunification movement.“一切都靠祖国自己”是祖国统一运动体现的根本理念。

4.other matters concerning the achievement of peaceful national reunification.(六)与实现和平统一有关的其他任何问题。

5.He reiterated that the Lao government follows the one-China popcy and firmly supports China's lofty cause of national reunification.他重申,老政府奉行一个中国政策,坚定支持中国的统一大业。

6.Tajikistan will resolutely pursue the one-China popcy and support China's national reunification.塔方将坚定奉行一个中国政策,支持中国实现国家统一。

7.To settle the Taiwan question and achieve national reunification -- this is a sacrosanct mission of the entire Chinese people.解决台湾问题,实现国家统一,是全体中国人民一项庄严而神圣的使命。

8.He stressed that Jordan will continue to stick to the One China popcy and to support China's national reunification.约旦将继续坚持一个中国的原则,支持中国早日完成祖国统一大业。

9.We hope the two Parties will work together for national reunification and both contribute to the Chinese nation.我们希望国共两党共同完成民族统一,大家都对中华民族作出贡献。

10.Cyprus upholds the one-China principle and resolutely supports the Chinese government's efforts for national reunification.塞浦路斯坚持一个中国原则,坚定支持中国政府为国家统一所作的努力。