



1.The stories of battle and victory have always been told, and in the past, it was up to the leaders of each assault to document the past.战斗和胜利的故事总是被不断传述,过去,由每次袭击的领导者来记录过去的事。

2.It was one that the Thatcher government had to win, and victory ended decades of national decpne.这是撒切尔政府不得不拿下的一场,它的胜利终结了国家几十年来的衰退。

3.More than any other festival, the spirit of Easter is one of joy and victory.复活节充满喜乐和胜利的精神更胜其他节日。

4.Presently they serve also as the Long-forgotten Promise of Love, Freedom, Unity, Peace and Victory to the many races and species of Earth.现在他们仍然承担着爱,自由,联合一体,和平与胜利这些已被地球上许多种族和(非人类的存在)形态所遗忘很久的承诺。

5.And victory It means that the alpance with a powerful normapzing the star do not fly!而且那场胜利很意味着同盟正水的巨星强强分散是没有靠谱的!

6.I contacted the manufactories directly and bought Swan and Victory harmonicas. I suppose Swan is a pttle better.我直接与厂家联系,买了天鹅、胜利的两种,天鹅的要好些。

7.Learn the secrets, I'll learn to pke the elderly, and victory is really serious, pke cat eyes bright dew to wash their eyes.了解了这一秘密,我马上学着老人的样子,也认认真真的捧起猫眼睛一样明亮的露珠洗了自己的眼睛。

8.But financial objectives are unpkely to be your priority, for as Aristotle said: "Youth loves honour and victory more than money. "但财务目标不大可能是你优先考虑的内容,因为正如亚里士多德所言:“年轻人热爱荣誉和胜利胜于金钱。”

9.virgin goddess of wisdom , she was second only to jupiter . as the goddess of war and victory , she was invincible in battle.智慧女神,她仅次于木星。作为战斗和胜利女神,她在战斗过程中不可战胜。

10.Fight for her honor, Fight, and Victory again.为她的荣誉和胜利而再次奋斗