




1.普天同庆此。” 阿迪达斯为第19届南非世界杯官方用球取名“亚布拉尼(Jabulani)”,源自南非班图语系中的祖鲁语,是喜悦、欢庆或欢呼 …


1.Cuban Erick Hernandez on Thursday said he had set a world record for juggpng the Jabulani World Cup ball, while sitting down .古巴人埃里克?赫尔南德兹于上周四称,日前他创下了一项坐颠世界杯用球“普天同庆”的世界记录。

2.And what they found there may explain the seemingly unpredictable nature of the Jabulani.他们在那里的发现可能解释“普天同庆”的不可预测性。

3.(PhysOrg. com) -- The World Cup is in full swing, complete with an official new soccer ball named Jabulani, meaning "to celebrate" in Zulu.世界杯正在全面展开,新的足球正式命名为Jabulani,是祖鲁语中“庆祝”的意思。

4.The German group is an official partner of FIFA and it's the provider of the World Cup ball "Jabulani. "此外,德国巨头还是国际足联的官方合作伙伴,并是世界杯唯一指定用球“普天同庆”的制造商。

5.Adidas' Mr. Zea said complaints are dwindpng as players get more famipar with the Jabulani during the tournament.阿迪达斯的西亚说,随着球员对“普天同庆”更加熟悉,那些怨言会慢慢散去。

6.For the competition Adidas introduced a new ball called Jabulani (Zulu for "celebration" ).为举办本届杯赛,阿迪达斯这一新款的比赛用球,名为Jabulani(祖鲁语意为“普天同庆”)。

7.It's also possible that wind, spin, or other influences can have a stronger effect on the Jabulani's trajectory.也有可能是风、旋转或其他方面影响对普天同庆的轨迹干扰更大。

8.And from a fluid mechanics standpoint, the Jabulani's also pretty interesting.而且,从流体力学的角度来看,普天同庆也很有趣。

9.A shot so powerful, even the notoriously dancy Jabulani didn't dare deviate from the path to goal demanded by Podolski's left foot.如此有力,就是那个超滑的“普天同庆”足球也不敢偏离波多尔斯基左脚踢出的轨道。

10.The Jabulani is the 11th World Cup match ball produced by Adidas and previous balls were also unpopular with players.Jabulani是阿迪达斯生产的第11款世界杯官方比赛用球,之前的足球也没受到球员的欢迎。