




1.一瓶用原厂油啊,100多一瓶1L),得用6L左右。评论| weigang001 |十五级采纳率53% 擅长:教育/科学理工学科购车养车生活 …



4.一桶开始60一桶(1L)头一次用是经朋友介绍用的,(开是觉得贵的就是好的)就买了,用着感觉还不错,(以前是破车一上60那震劲无 …

5.一扎德式现酿啤酒  啤酒节期间,组委会特意推出126元畅游啤酒节套票:含括一扎德式现酿啤酒1L),一份美味凉菜,十项狂欢嘉年华。  酒娘 …

6.一升一升1L) 毫克(mg)500mg=1斤 一升==2*500mg==2斤一升等于1000ML1000ML*0.8g/ML=800g800g=1.6斤

7.一罐不过一罐(1L)听我同学说要300..上一篇 下一篇 文章列表 [ Telnet 登入 |留下您的意见给布鲁克(新) | 合作提案 ]本网页由SCUMO…

8.一公升装一公升装(1L) TEC单瓶300元,可来店更换酌收工资50元, 8瓶(含)以下运费100元,9瓶~12瓶运费160元!


1.Put all ingredients into a pot, add 1L water, bring to the boil. Then low the heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Season with salt and serve.将所有材料放入锅中,加入1公升清水以大火熬煮,煮滚后改用小火煮约20分钟,加盐调味即可。

2.For Chemical analysis, collect 1L of sample in an appropriately cleaned and dried container and forward it to chemistry Lab for testing.对于化学分析,收集1L样品于合适的干净的,干的容器中,送化学实验室检测。

3.Stir until the sugar has dissolved. Add the further 2. 5 ptres of cold water then stir in the rest of the ingredients.倒入1L开水,加糖,搅拌至糖全部融化后再加2.5L水,继续搅拌剩下的部分。

4.In addition, must be prepared ahead of time about 1L of ice water, and ice.另外,提前就必须准备好1L左右的冰水,还有冰块。

5.To make it easy, she psted the parcel for one Linden dollar, and told her friend to buy it.为了操作方便,她把那片土地以1L$的价格挂牌,并告诉她的朋友去买它。

6.1l. A new era began last week in biology.上星期在生物领域一个新的时代开始了。

7.The bottle has a capacity of 1l.这个瓶子的容量有1升。

8.For example, related 1L child high fever convulsion prognosis research.例如,有关1L童高热惊厥的预后研究。

9.Samsung's QC manual requires 1L of water and 200ml of compound to be suppped as the machine starts to run三星的质量监控需要在机器开始运作的时候提供1公升的水和200毫升混合物,

10.To get the shift done on a 64-bit system, 1L should be used as shown below要在64位系统上进行位移,应该使用1L,如下所示