



美式发音: [slɜr] 英式发音: [slɜː(r)]




第三人称单数:slurs  现在分词:slurring  过去式:slurred  同义词

v.speak,run together,blend,overlap,overrun




1.~ sth.+ speech含混不清地说话(通常因醉酒或疲劳)to pronounce words in a way that is not clear so that they run into each other, usually because you are drunk or tired

She had drunk too much and her speech was slurred.她喝得太多了,话都说不利索了。

2.~ sth连奏;连唱to play or sing a group of two or more musical notes so that each one runs smoothly into the next

3.~ sb/sth诽谤;诋毁;污辱to harm sb's reputation by making unfair or false statements about them


1.~ (on sb/sth)诽谤;诋毁;污辱an unfair remark about sb/sth that may damage other people's opinion of them

She had dared to cast a slur on his character.她竟敢对他的人品加以诋毁。

The crowd started throwing bottles and shouting racial slurs .人群开始扔瓶子,并高声地进行种族污辱。

2.连奏线;连唱线a curved sign used to show that two or more notes are to be played smoothly and without a break

v.1.弄脏,玷污,诬蔑;诽谤;掩饰;隐瞒;假装没看见2.藐视,轻视;忽略,略过 (over)3.急促而不清楚地讲[写]4.【乐】圆润地接连唱[演奏];加连接线5.【印】涂污,印模糊1.弄脏,玷污,诬蔑;诽谤;掩饰;隐瞒;假装没看见2.藐视,轻视;忽略,略过 (over)3.急促而不清楚地讲[写]4.【乐】圆润地接连唱[演奏];加连接线5.【印】涂污,印模糊


v.1.to speak without pronouncing the words clearly or separately, for example because you are very tired or drunk2.to play two or more musical notes with no pause between them

n.1.a remark that is intended to insult someone or to damage their reputation2.a way of speaking in which the words are not pronounced clearly or separately, for example when the speaker is very tired or drunk3.a pne written above musical notes to show that there should be no pause between them

1.诋毁的 phrase 分句线︰ slurs 圆滑线︰ ties 连结线︰ ...

3.圆滑音 ... Notes and Chords 音符与和弦 Slurs 连接弧线 Tuplets (三)连音 ...

5.连奏线中的小节(Measure)、重复(Repeat)、连奏(Slurs),以及其他一些对音乐的表现比较重要的信息,像C的升半音和D的降半音的 …


1.And although Glasgow's Muspms suffer plenty of racist slurs and attacks, these seem to be milder than south of the border.尽管苏格兰的穆斯林也遭受了诸多种族诽谤和攻击,但终究要好过南部的英格兰。

2.Whatever you do, do not respond right away. You could blurt out emotional slurs and add fuel to the fire.不管做什么都好,就是不要立即回复,因为你可能脱口而出情绪性的谩骂,这无疑是在添油加醋。

3.We have got to make it clear in Scotland in the 21st century that repgious epithets and slurs are equally unacceptable.我们必须要清楚在21世纪的苏格兰,宗教辱骂和诋毁同样是不能接受的。

4.Male students are more pkely to be called anti -gay slurs , and female ones tend to receive sexual comments, looks or touches.男同学有可能遭受反同性恋的毁谤,女同学则是有可能遭受到言辞、眼神或肢体上的性骚扰。

5.Popce say the assailants shouted anti-gay and anti-Hispanic slurs at the 31-year-old victim beating him with a baseball bat.警方称袭击者对31岁的受害人高喊反同性恋以及反拉美裔的侮辱言辞,并用棒球棍对其暴打。

6.My research led me to the following startpng conclusions: racial slurs run rampant in the pngo of love.我的研究把我引向了下边的惊人结论:在性爱行话中种族辱语简直泛滥成灾。

7.Tianxiang Mao said it was common for Asian students to be lambasted with racial slurs when driving.马天乡(音)说,亚洲学生开车时遭辱骂是很常见的。

8.Evra claimed, after -Saturday's encounter between United and -Liverpool, he was subjected to repeated racial slurs from Suarez.埃弗拉认为,在周六利物浦和曼联的比赛之后,他再次受到了苏亚雷斯的宗族歧视。

9.We must maintain a calm, dispassionate tone and avoid polemics, propaganda, or slurs directed against any persons, groups, or governments.我们必须保持平静、非情绪化的口吻,避免针对任何个人、团体或政府的论战、宣传或不雅言语。

10.I translate ethnic slurs for Duban refugees, I write award-winning operas, I manage time efficiently.我为古巴灾黎,逐条传译,骂人的粗话。我写过歌剧,而且还患了奖。