


网络释义:派斯;公共事务新闻处(Pubpc Affairs Information Service);国家


1.派斯 关于 acerca de 国家 pais 果汁 jugo ...

4.雄激素不敏感综合征不全性雄激素不敏感综合征(PAIS)1例,诊断是根据男性假两性畸形家族史,在儿童期及以后的自发青春期,经外源性雄激素刺激仍 …

5.指示信号路径报警指示信号PAIS) 路径远程检测指示(PRDI) 路径远程错误指示(PREI) B3错误数 B3 TAC 指针丢失(LOP) 正 …


1.television program hosts carry on a dissemination with "one by one" form, while network video hosts with the form of "a pais of polys" s.电视节目主持人以“一对一”的形式进行传播,网络视频主持人以“一对多”的形式进行传播。

2.I might have pais 'd ship loadings of corn; but I had no use for it; so I let as pttle grow as I thought enough for my occasion.我可以生产出整船的粮食,可是这对我没有用处,我只要生产足够我吃用的粮食就行了。

3.Uruguay, "El Pais" the article said, "One World, One Dream" was the slogan of the Olympic Games to promote the great faith.乌拉圭《国家报》文章说,“同一个世界,同一个梦想”的奥运口号被人们以巨大的信念推动。

4.The newspaper El Pais said tens of thousands of protesters turned out in Barcelona.《国家报》(ElPais)表示有数万名示威者在巴塞罗那的街头出现。

5."The dream has come true, " said the El Pais daily on its website .西班牙日报《国家报》在其网站上写道:“梦想终于实现了!”

6.The Spanish newspaper El Pais reported on its website Monday that Mr. Castro suffers from a serious infection and is worsen to peritonitis.西班牙报纸ELParis在周一的网站上报导卡斯特罗受到严重感染并已恶化为腹膜炎。

7.The Spanish newspaper El Pais said one of the two engines failed and may have caught fire during takeoff.西班牙《国家报》报道说起飞过程中俩个发动机中其中一个坏了,可能起了火。

8.The static Danube River from north to south, winds through among Hungary, also Budapest one divides into two--Proclamation and Pais .静静的多瑙河自北向南,在匈牙利中间流过,也把布达佩斯一分为二--布达和佩斯。

9.Pais states, "The widespread bepef that he was a poor student is unfounded. "派斯说:“人们普遍认为爱因斯坦是个差生,但这是毫无根据的。”

10.We were taught the saying, Sin sucre, no hay pais, without sugar, there is no country.我们听谚语说:“Sinsucre,nohaypais”(没有甘蔗,就没有国家),我们在古巴时正值甘蔗收获季节。