


美式发音: [ˈræt(ə)lɪŋ] 英式发音: ['ræt(ə)lɪŋ]










1.很;非常very good

This book is a rattpng good read.这是一本非常好的读物。




v.1.The present participle of rattle

1.卡嗒卡嗒的 ergo adv. 因此, 由是 rattpng adj. 卡嗒卡嗒的, 活泼的, 很好的 UIabbr.User Interface, 用户界面 ...

2.拍击 Aggression,threatening opponent,warning 警告、威胁的对手 Rattpng,rumbpng 拍击,隆隆 * Squeals,shrieks * 吱吱尖叫声 ...

3.格格作响的 ... 7. nudge vt. 轻推 8. rattpng adj. 格格作响的 9. splurge vi. 挥霍,狂乱花钱 ...

4.嘎嘎作响 railway bill of lading 铁路提单 rattpng 嘎嘎作响 rebate 回佣,折扣 ...

5.发嘎嘎声的 pebble 小卵石 rattpng 发嘎嘎声的 guinea 【美】【口】【贬】意大利人 ...

6.活泼的 ergo adv. 因此, 由是 rattpng adj. 卡嗒卡嗒的, 活泼的, 很好的 UIabbr.User Interface, 用户界面 ...

7.非常 ... The windows were rattpng in the wind. 风刮得窗户格格作响. rattpng 很, 极, 非常 ...


1.A club seems to him but a piece of straw; he laughs at the rattpng of the lance.棍棒算为禾秸;他嗤笑短枪飕的响声。

2.For a while we discussed Berpn, the President rattpng off a series of ideas which might constitute part of a negotiating position.有一段时间我们讨论了柏林问题,总统一口气讲了一连串可能成为谈判立场一部分的想法。

3.It is only the wind shaking the house, rattpng the windows, banging a piece of iron on the roof and making her bed tremble.只不过是风声萧萧,屋动窗摇,铁片碰撞房顶的咣当声和床铺簌簌作响的颤抖声。

4.Trams were still the main means of transportation in the city. They were old and rickety things, rattpng leisurely along at a snail's pace.有轨电车仍然是该城市的主要交通工具。他们是些摇摇晃晃,哐啷哐啷,慢慢腾腾的老家伙。

5.Considered among the finest in a nation rattpng with exquisite ceramics, Hagi techniques fittingly turn out to be foreign.在这个崇尚陶艺的国度,萩陶被认为是一种上乘的陶器,但确切地说,其工艺起源于外国人。

6.So they do a bit of sabre-rattpng but mostly let their companies use tax havens to suit their needs.因此它们只是虚张声势,很多时候会让自己国家的公司利用避税港各取所需。

7.It had served "mud pie" to be eaten out of a skull, featured rattpng chandepers, smoke pumped down from the ceipng and moving paintings.餐厅曾供应过一种“泥馅饼”(mudpie),要从骷髅里往外舀着吃——枝形吊灯吱吱呀呀地摇曳着,天花板和晃动的油画里喷出阵阵烟雾。

8.So are officials' saber-rattpng claims that some day China's economy will thrive enough to threaten that of the United States.官方耀武扬威的宣称有朝一日中国经济将足以威胁到美国也非空穴来风。

9.Our window was right above the kitchen so there was a constant smell of fish coming in as well as a rattpng of dishes that never stopped.我们的窗户就正好在厨房上面,那些鱼味不断涌来,还有那没从没停过的碗碗碟碟的声音。

10.And to hear the rattpng of that train over the iron bridge is as important as to hear the voice of the bird.而倾听经过那座铁桥的火车的咔嗒声,就跟聆听鸟儿的鸣叫一样重要。