




1.舍瓦 Shereen - 娜依 Sheva - 温雯 Si Chen - 思辰 ...


5.印度 NewYork 纽约 Sheva 印度 Nicosia 新泻 ...

6.张枫荻 http://www.moko.cc/cherish/ 温雯 http://www.moko.cc/sheva/ 张枫荻 http://www.moko.cc/hellofengdi/ 刘琳 ...


1.With Sheva we experienced some nice moments. I'm happy to see him again because since he left we did not see each other.我们和舍瓦之间度过非常美好的时刻,我很高兴能见到他,因为自从他走了过后我们还没见过面。

2.If it were up to me, I'd happily bring back all the players who did well at Milan, pke Sheva, Manuel Rui Costa, Jaap Stam and even Rivaldo.就我个人而言,我希望任何一个在米兰表现很好的队员,我们都能够买回来,比如舍瓦,科斯塔,斯塔姆,里瓦尔多。

3.'After Sheva, it's not so easy to choose, but I would pick Chelsea's pair.舍瓦之后,并不是那么容易选择,但是我选择切尔西组合。

4.The best goal of Milan this year is no doubt Sheva's amazing banana shot in the second CL match versus Inter.今年的最佳进球无疑是舍瓦在冠军联赛对国际的第二回合中精彩的香蕉球。

5.Bobo, Sheva and Pippo played really well, they gave their all, Inzaghi showed he was really up for it when he came on.波波,舍瓦和皮波踢得真的很好,他们已经竭尽了他们的全力,因扎吉展现出了当他回到球场的时候他积极向上的一面。

6.He has not asked to leave and Sheva must ask for a transfer then everything will be sorted out.他没有提出过离开,舍瓦必须正式提出转会要求,其后所有的事情就会水落石出。

7.It was more to accommodate Sheva and Ballack and also due to those nightmarish series of injuries.这是为了适应舍瓦和巴拉克所做的调整,也是由于梦魇般的伤病不得已而为之的选择。

8.Now Sheva can count on his mental strength, his desire for revenge, to get back to being one of the best strikers in the world.现在,他可以依靠他的精神力量以及复仇的渴望,重新成为世界上最出色的射手之一。

9.We know Sheva well and there would be no problem with him fitting in.我们很了解舍瓦,他要再次融入我们没有任何问题。

10.' About his country, Sheva added: 'The Golden Ball is a good prize, but I will exchange it wilpngly with a trip for the World Cup.关于舍瓦的国家队,他表示:“金球奖是重要奖项,但可能的话我愿用它做交换以参加一次世界杯。”