


美式发音: [juˈɑn] 英式发音: [juˈɑːn]




yuann.— see alsorenminbi

1.元(中国货币单位)the unit of money in China


n.1.the unit of money used in China

1.元 王( Wang) ( Yuan) 马( Ma) ...

2.圆 (ke4 刻):忽然。 (yuan2 ):同"圆"。 (gou4 够):辱。 ...

3.袁 应 ying yuan 瞿 ju ...

4.苑 彤( tong) ( yuan) 杰( jie) ...

5.人民币 美元 US DOLLAR % PA 人民币 YUAN % PA 瑞尔 RIEL % PA ...

6.块 口技 vocal imitation yuan 款 section,paragraph,funds ...

7.元朝 ninety 九十 Yuan 元朝 George needed a new pair of shoes. 乔治需要一双 …

8.小影霸 Diamond 帝盟 Yuan 小影霸 VIA 威盛 ...


1.It must have been a depcious moment in Beijing, accustomed over the years to lectures from Washington about its management of the yuan.在北京这一定是一个令人兴奋的时刻,终于找到了回应华盛顿多年来批评其管理人民币汇率方式的解恨之道。

2.Noah Smith seems to imply that critics of a "get tough" approach mainly think there would be no benefit to a yuan appreciation.NoahSmith暗示到对于采取强硬措施的批评主要是因为人民币的升值没有一点好处。

3.Since China in June began to let the yuan float more freely, it has gained less than 3% against the dollar.自6月中国允许人民币汇率更加自由地浮动以来,人民币兑美元升值幅度不到3%。

4.China has recently opened up to private equity firms, as foreign firms have finally been allowed to raise yuan-denominated funds.中国近来向私募股权投资公司敞开了大门——外国公司被允许在华设立人民币基金。

5.Zhang Yuan's paintings are at least an attempt to provide us with a new perspective.张远的绘画,至少给了我们一个审视的新视角,也是具有开拓性的尝试。

6.The semi-annual report came a few weeks after China had decided to let the yuan fluctuate more flexibly.在中国采取更灵活的汇率机制后几周,上述这份半年期报告横空出世。

7.It's clear that some at the RBI are worried about India sleepwalking into a world -- or at least an Asia -- where the yuan wins that race.很明显,印度央行的某些人正在为印度担忧,因在两者的竞争中,人民币将在全球、至少是亚洲,成为赢家。

8.How much is the meat? Ten yuan a kilo.这肉多少钱?十元一公斤。

9.How much are these books? It's 10 yuan for each.这些书多少钱?每本10元。

10.Is the global financial crisis an opportunity for China to turn the yuan into a more widely traded and influential currency?全球金融危机对于中国来说是一个把人民币变成一个在贸易和影响中更广泛应用的机会吗?