


美式发音: [ˈvælənˌtaɪn] 英式发音: [ˈvæləntaɪn]

n.(在 2 月 14 日常以匿名寄送的)圣瓦伦廷节情人卡





1.(在 2 月 14 日常以匿名寄送的)圣瓦伦廷节情人卡a card that you send to sb that you love on St Valentine's Day (14 February), often without putting your name on it

2.(收受圣瓦伦廷节贺卡的)情人a person that you send a valentine to

n.1.(圣瓦伦丁节时作为自己选中对象而赠与礼品的)对象;情人2.瓦伦丁3.在圣瓦伦丁节寄给异性的卡片[书信,礼物]4.〈比喻〉任何表示想念的事物5.St. Valentine 圣瓦伦丁6.【女名】女子名7.【男名】男子名1.(圣瓦伦丁节时作为自己选中对象而赠与礼品的)对象;情人2.瓦伦丁3.在圣瓦伦丁节寄给异性的卡片[书信,礼物]4.〈比喻〉任何表示想念的事物5.St. Valentine 圣瓦伦丁6.【女名】女子名7.【男名】男子名

n.1.a card or present that you give to someone on Valentines Day2.the person who you give a valentine to

1.瓦伦丁 Uriah 尤莱亚 希伯来 耶稣是光之所在 Valentine 范伦铁恩 拉丁 健康的人或强壮的人 Verne 佛能 拉丁 茂盛 ...

6.天使红娘电视剧天使红娘valentine)2008年10月6日星期日的预告。评论| lmzfk |十二级采纳率31% 擅长:动漫电影谜语 其他类似问题 …

7.华伦泰  相传华伦泰Valentine)生于公元3世纪的罗马帝国,当时正值暴君克劳迪二世的统治期间,好大喜功的克劳迪二世欲建立一支 …


1.This Valentine's Day, we dissect the hidden meaning behind everything from chocolates to jewelry so you know exactly what you're getting.在这个情人节,让我们仔细分析每一件礼物背后所隐藏的含义——从巧克力到珠宝,好让你们知道究竟你们在节日收到的是什么!

2.Valentine Day is just an excuse to tell you once again how much I love you.情人节只是一个借口,再次告诉你我有多么爱你。Alwaysbemine,forever。永远是我的,直到永远。

3.I don't want you to leave us. Please think about our love for you on Valentine 's Day.我不希望你离开我们。请你在情人节里想想我们给你的爱。

4.Over the years I fondly thought of him as my "Valentine Man" .这么多年来,我一直天真的认为他就是我的“情人”?

5."I'm in it to help people enjoy Valentine's Day in a tough economy, " she said.她说:“我这麽做是为了帮助人们在严酷的经济形势下享受情人节。”

6.But the farmers and florists who market them hope that customers know just how much of their love and hard work goes into Valentine's Day.但是农场主和负责行销的花农希望顾客们知道在情人节中他们倾注了多少爱和多少努力。

7.Make Valentine's Day a day to remember by showing your partner how much you love them.让情人节成为向心爱的人表达深深爱意的,有纪念意义的一天。

8.I once took a girl out on a first date not reapzing it happened to be Valentine's Day.有一次我和一个女孩第一次约会,竟不知道那天是情人节。

9.It was the morning of Valentine's Day. I shut off the alarm and groped around in the dark until I found my glasses.那是情人节的早晨。闹钟一响,我赶紧按住,然后在黑暗中摸索着找到我的眼镜。

10.Valentine's Day or birthday no one could have no flowers. You can buy the flowers will be beautiful gift to give to her mother and father.情人节或者生日没有人可送花也无所谓。你可以将买花的钱买精美的礼物,送给妈妈和爸爸。