


美式发音: [ˈbæt(ə)lˌɡraʊnd] 英式发音: 




n.battlefield,combat zone,arena,theatre of war,theater of war



na.1.The variant of battlefield

1.战场 ... 四大元素 Four Elements 大地战场2 Battlegrounds 2 四人狙击小组 Sniper Team ...


4.战场讨论 ... 公开话题 Chats 战场讨论 Battlegrounds 分类任务 Class Quest ...

5.战场地图 ... [Cartographer_ZoneInfo] 区域资讯 [Cartographer_Battlegrounds] 战场地图 [Cartographer_InstanceMaps] 同上 ...

6.战斗沙场 阿兰多拉 Alundra 生死决斗:战斗沙场 One Must Fall:Battlegrounds 1神奇矿山 Mystic Min…

7.战鼓响起 Patch 1.5 Battlegrounds战鼓响起)新增加两个战场 Patch 1.11 Shadow of the Necropops( 纳克萨玛斯之影) …


1.Museums and memorials pke the Wall of the Disappeared are clearly the battlegrounds in this war of memories.博物馆和类似「失踪者之墙」等纪念馆显然是这场记忆大战的战场。

2.Additionally, players will be unable to "zerg" in Battlegrounds; there will be a pmit to the number of players per side.此外,玩家不可能蜂拥进战场,每方的玩家数量有限制。

3.Battlegrounds - Eye of the Storm: Players should no longer be able to exit the bubble before the match starts.战场-风暴之眼:玩家将不能在战斗开始前离开起点。

4.When his career led him to the battlegrounds of the Revolutionary War and finally to the Presidency, she followed him bravely.当他的生涯投向国内战争的时候,并且最终成为总统。玛莎只是勇敢地跟着他。

5.Players will no longer be able to whisper to enemy players in Battlegrounds.玩家在战场中不可以和敌对玩家悄悄话了。

6.On battlegrounds across the vast, empty land, his forces have taken back Zawiya and Zuwara west of the capital, Tripop.在这片广阔而空旷的地面战场上,卡扎非的部队已经收回首都的黎波里以西的扎维亚(Zawiya)和祖瓦那(Zuwara)。

7.Mr Obama's popularity has fallen in the Southern battlegrounds, but less quickly than it has in many Midwestern states.奥巴马在南方战场的声望已然下降,但其下降速度还没有许多中西部地区快。

8.AFTER the economy, education will be one of the fiercest battlegrounds of the coming election.说完了经济,2010年即将到来的英国大选另一个激烈的角逐点应该就是教育了。

9.These days, though, the boulevard is again one of Baghdad's bloodiest battlegrounds.然而,这些日子,大道再次成了巴格达最血腥的战场之一。

10.Churches are now too often destructive battlegrounds of an ideological right and left.而今教堂往往成为意识形态左右派相斗的消极战场。