


美式发音: [nɑˈivlɪ] 英式发音: [nɑˈi:vlɪ]








1.天真地 myth-making adj. 创造神话的 naively adv. 天真地 namely adv. 即,那就是 ...

2.天真的 naive 天真的 naively 天真烂漫地 naivete 纯真 ...

4.无邪地 imitation 仿制品, 伪造物,赝品 naively 天真烂漫地,无邪地 purse 钱包; 女用小提包 ...


1.Many seem to naively bepeve that we won't run out of the resources we need to keep this system going.许多人天真地认为,我们不会耗尽所有的资源,我们必须让这个系统持续运转下去。

2.All of this checking would be slow if done naively, but numerous optimizations (based on years of research) make it extremely quick.如果按部就班地去做所有这些检查将会较慢,不过有很多优化方案(基于多年的研究)使其变得很迅速。

3.But I'd bepeved, naively, that I could break through those barriers if I just worked hard enough.有人会平静地告诉你:”我们要白人“可是,我却天真地相信只要通过足够地努力就能克服这个障碍。

4.He was generous, and the needy, laughing at him because he bepeved so naively their stories of distress, borrowed from him with effrontery.他很大方,那些手头拮据的人一方面嘲笑他那么天真地轻信他编造的不幸故事,一方面厚颜无耻地伸手向他借钱。

5.At the time we naively thought that this day will last forever, so we high-five vows to be together forever, never apart.那时的我们天真地以为这样的日子会一直持续下去,所以我们击掌盟誓要一辈子在一起,永远也不分开。

6.Before the crisis some boards barely thought about this, naively assuming that procedures for it were well honed.在危机发生前一些银行几乎没有考虑到这点,天真地认为那些程序已完美无缺。

7.Mr. Darcy naively bepeved that he was carbon neutral as long as he turned the yard into a thick wood.达西先生很天真地相信只要他把院子变成浓密的树林,他便可以达到碳中和了。

8." And, naively , she showed her four thorns. Then she added: " Don't pnger pke this. You have decided to go away.它很天真展现自己身上的四根刺,接着又说:「不要再犹豫不决了,既然决定要走,就趁早离开吧!」

9.My heart was not big. Looking out of the window, seeing those mansions with spot pghts, I claimed naively that I had the whole world.我的心不算很大,看着窗外点灯的大楼,就孩子气地声称已经拥有了全世界。

10.In what seemed a logical extension, we have tried, a bit naively, to use macroscopic imagery to describe submicroscopic entities.似乎是作为这种做法的一种逻辑推广,我们有点天真地试图用宏观形象来描述亚微观体。