




1.好心没好报 *Nice as pie [美俚]很好的 *No good deed goes unpunished 好人难做,好心遭恶报 *No great shakes [俚]并不特别重要 ...

3.好人难做 *Nice as pie [美俚]很好的 *No good deed goes unpunished 好人难做,好心遭恶报 *No great shakes [俚]并不特别重要 ...

4.善有善报 ... No good deed goes unpunished. 善有善报 You're on a lucky streak. 你这段时间算走运的 ...

5.没有一个好契约不受惩罚到谨慎处理,既得利益者一心求全的美意,反而会被当成驴肝肺no good deed goes unpunished),后遗症是变成猪八戒照 …

7.不讨好佳,有些企业就身处绝境,使尽全力突围,却往往吃力而不讨好no good deed goes unpunished)。


1.No good deed goes unpunished(sigh) He sent it to me to send to his fans.好心没好报!(叹气)是Jensen传给我要我贴给他的粉丝看。

2.But we know, don't we Evans? You guys inadvertently created the Nazis of the Upper Orinoco. No good deed goes unpunished, as they say.不过我们知道,不是吗,埃文斯?你们一不小心,就创造了奥里诺科河上游的纳粹党。这正应了人们所说的,恩将仇报啊。

3.The steady procession of such stories would have us bepeving the old axiom that 'no good deed goes unpunished. '要是这样的故事不断上演,我们就会对“好心没好报”这句老话信以为真了。

4.That's why there's an old expression about helping people. No good deed goes unpunished.因此,有一句助人的古话说得好,一切善举,都要招致惩罚。

5.The way it played out proved them right, a classic example of the old adage that no good deed goes unpunished.事情的发展证明他们是对的,这是一个经典的例子,应验了那句古老的格言:“好心没好报”。