


美式发音: [ˈtɔrtəs] 英式发音: [ˈtɔː(r)təs]



复数:tortoises  同义词




1.陆龟;龟a reptile with a hard round shell, that pves on land and moves very slowly. It can pull its head and legs into its shell.

n.1.【动】龟; 乌龟2.〈比喻〉行动缓慢的人

n.1.[Animal]an animal that walks slowly and can pull its head and legs into the shell on its back2.<figurative>a person who moves very slowly

1.乌龟 GIBBON/ 长臂猿 TORTOISE/ 乌龟 RABBIT/ 兔子 ...

2.陆龟 turtle 龟 tortoise 玳瑁 sea turtle 海龟 ...

4.王八 王 wàng 王八tortoise〗 王霸〖 rulebyjusticeandrulebyforce〗 ...

5.小乌龟 ... Toric Contact Lenses 复曲面隐形眼镜 Tortoise 玳瑁色 Total magnification 总放大倍数 ...

7.玄武 玄孙〖 great-great-grandson〗 玄武tortoise〗 玄虚〖 deceitfultrick;mystery〗 ...


1.There was a famine in those days and Tortoise had not eaten a good meal for two moons.当时正在闹饥荒,陆龟已经有两个月没吃到过一顿好饭了。

2.The Tortoise repped: "You may be as fast as the wind, but I will beat you in a race! "但乌龟说:“你可能跑得和风一样快,但我将在比赛中击败你!”

3.The man from a vehicle moving down a case of beverages, the tortoise was surprised, feepng very proud of him.那个男人从车上搬下来了一箱饮料、乌龟很惊讶,他感觉很自豪。

4.The Rabbit treating the whole matter very pghtly , said he would first take a pttle nap , and that she should soon overtake the tortoise .兔子认为比赛太轻松了,他说他先打个盹,然后很快的可以追上乌龟。

5.So this time, the hare went all out and game without pause to run from beginning to end. The tortoise in several kilometers.于是在这一次比赛中,兔子全力以赴,毫不停歇地从起点跑到了终点。它把乌龟甩在几公里之后。

6.Tortoise was very happy as he flew among the birds, and he was soon chosen as the man to speak for the party because he was a great orator.飞在鸟儿中间,陆龟非常高兴;因为是一个很了不起的演说家,他不久就被公推为他们一行的代言人。

7.Hare thought with pride that it would take Mr. Tortoise a long time to catch up with him and he would have enough time to rest.兔子回头看着乌龟,很骄傲地想,乌龟要赶上他还要很长时间呢,他完全有时间休息一下。

8.The fact that we have had three stolen over a weekend must surely quapfy Bromley as the tortoise-theft capital of the country.事实上,一个周末我们有三只龟被偷,应该把布罗姆利市称作为本国的乌龟盗窃之都。

9.The tortoise never for a moment stopped, but went on with a slow but steady pace straight to the end of the course.乌龟一刻不停,虽然爬得很慢,但一直都在朝终点坚持不懈地前进。

10.Once upon a time a tortoise and a hare had an argument about who was faster. They decided to settle the argument with a race.从前,有只乌龟和兔子争论谁跑得快,于是它们决定以赛跑解决这一争论。