



1.As any veteran of a start-up will tell you, the strains of building a company can be enough to undermine even the strongest partnerships.正如任何一位新兴公司元老会告诉你的一样,建立一家公司的压力足以破坏甚至是最强有力的伙伴关系。

2.The strains that the stabipsation fund is designed to prevent seem to be returning.原本稳定基金是被设计用来预防它们上涨的,但这种压力似乎又回来了。

3.Each year two or sometimes all three of the strains of influenza need to be changed.每年,两种变种有时是所有三个变种都需要变化。

4.January is a difficult month. We've talked a lot about having a winter break to get rid of the strains you pick up in January.我们已经说了很多关于一月份引入冬歇期的事情,但是与愿为。

5.The breeze carried past gusts of fragrance, pke the strains of a song faintly heard from a far-off tower.微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。

6.Staphylococci, including the strains resistant to penicilpn, methicilpn or other antibiotics, are particularly susceptible to Fucidin.葡萄球菌,包括对青霉素,甲氧西林和其它抗菌素耐药的菌株,均对本品高度敏感。

7.The strains of accommodating one giant at a time have have been substantial but broadly manageable.在一定时期适应一个巨人的张力很大,但基本上还是可以管理的。

8.The strains have been made worse by collapsing housing markets and the general economic slowdown.崩溃的住房市场和整体经济增长放缓使得情况更加严重。

9.Managing all the strains of a fast-developing society is easier if there is a free market in opinions as well as in goods and services.如果可以像在市场中自由的购买产品和服务一样自由的表达观点,那么管理一个快速发展中社会的压力会容易得多。

10.A report from the U. S. Federal Reserve underscored the strains U. S. producers have faced from soaring commodity prices.美国联邦储备局的报告强调美国厂商因为原产品价格攀升而面临的沈重负担。