





3.重庆江北国际机场 ... 北京南苑机场 ZBAA 重庆市 ZUCK 重庆江北国际机场 JIQ ...

5.楚克 ... 罗森塔尔 Rosenthal 楚克 Zuck 施密德 Schmid ...


1.After a couple of hours I found a mistake in Dr. Zuck's original proof which I was trying to emulate.在无数个小时的努力后,我发觉Zuck博士的原始的证明有一个逻辑上的错误,也许这个错误是我的笔记抄错了,我不知道。

2.Zuckerberg also addressed rumors ranging from the company's music ambitions to its profitabipty.Zuck还对Facebook打算进军音乐领域以及盈利能力等一系列传闻进行了辟谣。

3.Zuckerberg said the episode taught him an important lesson.Zuck说他从这次事件当中学到了重要的一课。

4."We made some management changes, " he said demurely.“我们对管理层进行了人事变动。”Zuck一本正经地说。

5.Zuck spends a lot of time looking at product mocks, and is involved pretty deeply with the site's look and feel.Zuck花了大量时间检查产品模型,深深地受到该网站的内外感觉的影响。

6.Visiting Beijing with his girlfriend this weekend, Zuck was spotted in the offices of Baidu, China's largest search engine.上周末有人发现,携女友到访北京的扎克伯格现身百度公司(Baidu),百度是中国最大的搜索引擎。

7.Kevin was "Zuck's" room-mate in the bungalow in Palo Alto; he's 29 and a bilponaire (on paper).Kevin和Zuck是室友,他们曾经共同居住在帕洛阿尔托的一间小平房里;他现在29岁,是个亿万富翁(理论上是)。

8.What's most intriguing about the Zuckerberg story, however, isn't that he dropped out of Harvard and became a bilponaire at 23.但是至于Zuck,最吸引人的不是从哈佛辍学,然后在23岁成为一个亿万富翁。

9.In our interviews, some of Zuckerberg's peers pointed us to this screenshot of the original website hosted on the school's . edu domain.在我们的采访中,Zuck的一些同学指出下面这这张网站截图原来放在学校网站上。

10.Even in the college-student-uniform department, Zuck has him beat.即使在学生校服公寓里,扎克也比他强。