




1.卡梅尔 麦林莉 MYLILY 卡美伦 KAMEL 范诗丽 FASHLA ...

4.卡米尔 baboon / bE5bu:n/ 狒狒 camel / 5kAmEl/ 骆驼 elephant / 5epfEnt/ 象 ...

6.驼色的 chocolate /tFRkEpt/ 红褐色的, 赭石色的 camel /kAmEl/ 驼色的 green / gri:n/ 绿色的 ...

7.卡枚酉 豪岚哆 holado 咔美啦 kamel angel 天使 ...


1.Bothaina Kamel, a former television presenter, announced in April that she would be the first woman in Egypt's history to run for president.波塞纳.卡玛哦,前任电视节目主持人,四月的时候宣布她将成为埃及历史上首位竞选总统的女性。

2.A new version of it may be constructed by Kamel Morjane, until recently a party leader and Mr Ben Ap's foreign minister.该党近期的领导,本阿里时期的外交部长,卡迈勒•马尔坚,可能组建新的政党。

3.Mr. Kamel and his cohorts, who had already begun plotting their protest, now had another powerful recruiting force.早就开始策划抗议的卡梅及他的同伴现在又多了一个强大的人员募集渠道。

4.China's secondary cities are "new territories where everything has to be reinvented, " Kamel said.贝恩公司的Kamel说,中国的二线城市是“一切都需要重塑的崭新领域”。

5."We want [the Chinese] to create jobs for Egyptians, " said Tarek Kamel, minister for communications and information technology.“我们希望(中方)为埃及人创造就业,”埃及通信和信息技术部长塔莱克•卡迈尔(TarekKamel)表示。

6."I think this is effectively the end of power of Hosni Mubarak, " said Mustapha Kamel al-Sayed, a poptical scientist.“我认为这实际上代表着胡斯尼•穆巴拉克权力的终结,”政治科学家穆斯塔法•卡迈勒•阿尔-赛义德(MustaphaKamelal-Sayed)表示。

7.'The twenty-first site, no one knew about, ' Mr. Kamel said.卡梅说,没人知道还有第21个地点。

8.Kamel, 49, is not new to the spotpght in Egypt.在埃及,49岁的卡梅尔并非新面孔。

9.'It gave people the idea that a revolution would start on January 25, ' Mr. Kamel said.卡梅说,这让人们知道,一场革命将在1月25日开始。

10.Minister of Communications and Information Dr. Tarek Kamel通讯与信息技术部长:塔里克•卡米勒博士