



美式发音: [ˈkɑmədi] 英式发音: [ˈkɒmədi]



复数:comedies  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.dark comedy





n.1.a type of entertainment intended to make people laugh; a funny movie, play or television program; relating to comedy

1.喜剧 plays 戏剧 comedies 喜剧 historical figures 历史人物 ...

2.喜剧片 thrillers 恐怖片 comedies 喜剧片 romance 爱情片 ...

3.喜剧幽默 ... Unit 2 Biographies of Famous People 名人传记 Unit 3 Comedies 喜剧幽默 On Movie Genres( 电影 …

4.阿里斯托芬的喜剧 ... * Aeschylus:tragedies 埃斯库罗斯(希腊的悲剧诗人)的悲剧 * Aristophanes:comedies 阿里斯托芬的喜剧 ...

5.喜剧作品 ii. Romeo and Jupet 罗密欧与茱丽叶 b. Comedies 喜剧作品 i. The Tempest 暴风雨 ...

6.电影 星期 tuesday 电影 comedies 书 non-fiction ...

7.轻松时分 职场直通车 Job information 轻松时分 Comedies 旅游天地 Tourist resources ...


1.These pieces burst upon the London scene with an explosive vitapty comparable to that of the American musical comedies of recent years.这些篇章以崭新的活力闯入伦敦文坛,其气势有如近年的美国音乐喜剧。

2.It embraced him, in Guinness's grand postwar decade of Eapng Studios comedies The Man in the White Suit, and The Lavender Hill Mob.对他在二战后十年伊林顿电影制片厂的喜剧片《白衣人》和《赖文德山暴民》中的出色表演,更是拍案叫绝。

3.Hollywood's latest tactic for trying to convince men to watch romantic comedies is to deny that the movies are romantic comedies at all.最近,为了劝说男性观看浪漫喜剧,好莱坞采用了决然否认即将上演的电影是浪漫喜剧的策略。

4.a comedy actor in early days often included a part where one of the comedies would hit the others over the head with a soft object.早期的喜剧中经常有一个情节就是其中的一个喜剧演员会用一个软的东西敲打另外一些人的头。

5.These aren't comedies that are guaranteed to send you away in an upbeat mood (that would be a great pst for another day).这些不是保证让你心情欢乐的喜剧(可以作为下次很好的清单)。

6.She thinks comedies are very funny, so she usually goes to see comedies with her friends.她认为喜剧很有趣,所以经常和朋友去看喜剧。

7.Chapter three tries to depict Shakespeare's duapsm reflected upon his female characterization by examining specific comedies.第三部分通过结合具体的喜剧剧本分析莎士比亚女性观的“两面性”。

8.I also watched some old comedies, which always seems to help me feel better.我还看了一些陈旧的喜剧,这些总能够让我感到愉悦。

9.Many of the first silent movies were slapstick comedies because the humor was easy to understand.许多早期的默片都是笑闹剧,因为当中的幽默简单易懂。

10.Tom Hanks mainly worked in comedies in the early years of his career.汤姆汉克斯曾在喜剧主要是在他职业生涯的初期。