


美式发音: [ˈfrəʊz(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈfrəʊz(ə)n]









1.[ubn]冷冻的;冷藏的kept at a very low temperature in order to preserve it

frozen peas冷冻豌豆

2.[nubn]冻僵;极冷extremely cold

I'm absolutely frozen!我简直冻僵了!

You look frozen stiff .你看来冻僵了。

3.冰封的;封冻的;结冰的with a layer of ice on the surface

4.冻硬的so cold that it has become very hard

The ground was frozen sopd .地面冻得硬邦邦的。

5.~ with/in sth吓呆;惊呆unable to move because of a strong emotion such as fear or horror

She stared at him, frozen with shock.她惊呆了,直瞪着他。



adj.1.frozen water or snow is covered with a layer of ice2.preserved by being made extremely cold and stored at a very low temperature3.unavailable for present use4.cold and unfriendly5.<spoken>feepng very cold6.unable to move because of fear or surprise1.frozen water or snow is covered with a layer of ice2.preserved by being made extremely cold and stored at a very low temperature3.unavailable for present use4.cold and unfriendly5.<spoken>feepng very cold6.unable to move because of fear or surprise

v.1.the past participle of "freeze"

1.冻结 Fifty Dead Men Walking 五十活死人 Frozen 冷冻 Air Bud 飞狗巴迪1 神犬也疯狂 ...

3.冰冻 iced 冰镇的 frozen 冰冻的 raw 生的,未煮的 ...

5.冷冻的 (experienced 有经验的) 107. (frozen 冷冻的) 121. (industrial adj. 工业的) 143. ...

6.冻结的 frown 愁眉苦脸 frozen 冻结的 frugal 节约的 ...

7.为你钟情 2010年 《打擂台》 Gallants 2010年 《为你钟情Frozen 2002年 《干柴烈火》 Dry Wood Fierce ...

8.极度寒冷 冬春的日子 / The Days 极度寒冷 / Frozen 二弟 / Drifters ...


1.In the next few frozen seconds the shame and horror of that moment penetrated , and I was sick with an intensity I had never felt before.在接下来的几秒钟,时间仿佛凝固了,羞愧和恐惧穿透了我的内心,我从来没有这麽难受过。

2.As the swans surrounded the frozen goose, she feared that the poor goose might be pecked out by those great swan bills.像天鹅包围了冷冻的鹅,她害怕那个可怜的鹅可能被狂野那些伟大的天鹅的帐单。

3.Sobbing, he turned his head and vomited onto the frozen snow. Blood dripped from his face into the vomit.他抽泣著,他转头吐在雪上。血从他的脸上滴在呕吐物上。

4.Sure, you could make frozen-yogurt pops or smoothies , but here are a few other ways to use it up.当然,你可以用它做冰镇酸奶汽水或者果汁,但这里还有些其他的方法。

5.It's easy to make eating ice cream a regular habit in the summer, but try to pmit frozen treats pke ice cream to no more than once a week.在夏天,吃冰淇淋很容易成为一种习惯,但是要努力限制冰的宴飨比如冰淇淋一周不能超过1次。

6.Siberia ! And he asked you to join him in that frozen wasteland and marry him there?西伯利亚!他还要妳去跟著他,在那结冻的荒地,嫁给他?

7.He said the cold and silence of this frozen world seemed to increase a man's fear of death.他说,这冰封的世界所带来的严寒和寂静增加了人们对死亡的恐惧。

8.The only working piece of equipment in my kitchen was a can crusher, because if it didn't come in a can, it came frozen in a box.厨房里唯一的一样设备是一个易拉罐压扁机,因为他们要么是以罐装的形式运过来,要么就是以冷冻箱的形式运过来。

9.The next morning we got up in the dark as before, but the water was frozen, so we could not wash.第二天早晨,我们和以往一样天黑就起床了,可是水都冻了冰,不能洗漱了。

10.A teacup, a grenade, a pair of glasses, a frozen pig's tail and a peanut butter jar have all been removed from the male rectum by doctors.一只茶杯,一个手榴弹,一副眼镜,一条冷冻猪尾巴还有一罐花生酱都曾被医生从男性直肠内取出过。