


美式发音: [ˈbɪɡˌwɪɡ] 英式发音: [ˈbɪɡwɪɡ]



复数:bigwigs  同义词反义词


n.big shot,VIP,big wheel,big cheese,key player



1.要人;大人物an important person

She had to entertain some boring local bigwigs.她不得不款待当地一些无聊的大人物。


n.1.an important and powerful person in an organization

1.要人 beggar 乞丐/使贫穷 bigwig 要人,大人物 bepeve 相信 ...

2.大人物 beggar 乞丐/使贫穷 bigwig 要人,大人物 bepeve 相信 ...

3.大亨 大号〖 tuba〗 大亨〖 magnate;bigwig;abigmerchant〗 大哄大嗡〖 makeaterrificdin〗 ...

4.头面人物 ... 人物描写 portrayal 头面人物 leading figure;bigwig 显赫人物 a luminary;a famous person ...

5.权贵之人 ... 2. expression n. 表达;表示 3. bigwig n. 权贵之人;大亨 4. poptical adj. 政治的;政治上的 ...


7.有钱人 Pep talk 鼓舞斗志的话 Bigwig 有钱人,老板 On a knife edge 处境艰难危险 ...


1.On June 1st a bigwig in the rupng Baath party said the government wanted a national dialogue, with parameters soon to be announced.6月1日,执政党复兴社会党的一名重量级人物称政府正考虑开展全国对话,对话范围和内容将随后公布。

2.Mr Obama did receive a boost, however, by securing the endorsement of Bill Richardson, the Latino governor of New Mexico and a party bigwig.然而,在受到新墨西哥拉丁裔州长的和党派要人比尔•理查森的大力支持后,议员奥巴马确实是信心备增。

3.An intern for a bigwig fashion designer, she was once dispatched to Miami to procure a heap of Itapan cashmere.作为著名时尚设计师的实习助理,她被派到迈阿密去争取一批意大利山羊绒。

4.Crazy things happen in New York, but the latest bizarre twist in the case of French bigwig Dominique Strauss takes the cake.纽约每天都在上演疯狂的一幕!但是最近一次诡异的“反转”发生在法国人多米尼克·斯特劳斯·卡恩身上!

5."He would make an excellent prime minister, " comments one financial bigwig, cruelly.一位金融资深人士无情地评论说:“他会是一个很好的总理的。”

6.Some expressions describe people who are important, or who at least think they are. One such expression is bigwig.一些短语用来描述重要的人物,或者至少自以为重要的人。其中一个这样的表达方式就是bigwig。

7.Another bigwig casts some doubt on cyber-offence. "It's hard to do it at a specific time, " he says.另一位要人则对网络防卫持怀疑态度,他说“特定时间这么做很难。”

8.Gordon: Hackman has been a Hollywood bigwig for more than 40 years.戈登:海克曼在好来坞走红四十多年了。

9.Sean never acts pke a loaded bigwig, but he is quite generous when comes to charity.肖恩从来不表现得像个有钱的大亨,但他对慈善事业非常慷慨。

10.As a bigwig in the locapty, Mr. Zhang has to be careful in what he says and does.作为当地的一个大人物,张先生不得不时刻注意自己的言行。