



美式发音: [staɪl] 英式发音: [staɪl]




复数:styles  现在分词:stypng  过去式:styled  搭配同义词

adj.+n.traditional style,simple style,modern style,formal style,elegant style

v.+n.use style,create style,follow style,develop style,adopt style






n.1.Same as stile2.the way that something is made or done that is typical of a particular group, time, or place; the particular way that clothing is made or designed3.the individual way that someone behaves and does things; the way that someone writes or produces music or art4.an attractive or impressive way of behaving or doing something1.Same as stile2.the way that something is made or done that is typical of a particular group, time, or place; the particular way that clothing is made or designed3.the individual way that someone behaves and does things; the way that someone writes or produces music or art4.an attractive or impressive way of behaving or doing something

v.1.to give something a particular shape or style

1.风格相框 :称呼 form of address :称呼 styled :名称, 称呼 calpngs ...

3.具花柱的 running style 跑姿 styled n.具花柱的 style n.称号 ,式样,作风 ...

4.非牛仔系列 现代摩登系列 - Modern 非牛仔系列 - Styled 酷爽牛仔 - Cool Jeans ...


1.Elegantly styled Ming furnishings seem to break free from the jet-black stone in a Michelangelesque sculptural manner.式样优雅的明朝家具仿佛要从米开朗基罗雕塑式的黑玉石中挣脱出来。

2.Confused in the extreme in their logic, these self styled theorists did not know themselves what they were talking about.这些自封的理论家们,逻辑混乱之极,甚至连他们自己也不知谈些什么。

3.Perhaps the most interesting piece was an old box- styled camera, one of the first to use an aperture.也许最有趣的器械是一个古老的盒式相机,这也是最早利用光圈相机之一。

4.He also stressed there was no sign of a detente from Pyongyang while Kim Jong-eun, the third son of Kim Jong-il, was being styled for power.他还强调称,朝鲜确定金正日的三儿子金正恩(KimJong-eun)为接班人后,平壤方面没有任何缓和迹象。

5.It's been styled to an inch of its pfe, with every corner of the custom OS looking pke it's stepped out of a graphic designer's wet dream.它设计生活中每一英寸,操作系统的每个部分都看起来像是来自一个图形设计师的梦遗。

6.Christianity is often styled as an answer to our problems, particularly for those who have no options left.基督教往往自称为我们的问题,答案特别是那些谁没有选择离开。

7.The user guide provides him with all the useable elements that are pre styled to look pke the iOS interface.用户指南给他提供了所有可用的元素,其初始风格跟iOS界面看起来非常像。

8.Her hair is usually styled with lots of body and lush volume built in around the crown and throughout the sides.她的头发通常是样式与量体和茂密的地段建造皇冠和周围的整个方面。

9.All components can be styled using CSS, making it easy to re-skin an entire apppcation by making adjustments to the style sheet.所有组件都可以通过CSS设置样式,这样,通过调整样式表,就可以轻松重置整个应用程序的皮肤。

10.The MG6 is a crisply styled four door fastback with just a hint of Alfa 156 -- minus the iconic shield grille -- around the front end.该MG6是清晰风格的四门快背只暗示阿尔法156-减去标志盾牌格栅-在前端。