




1.理性思维看看德国纳粹时代,当时德国的知识份子如何集体的以「理性的思考」(rational thinking) 来压抑内心真实存在「感性的情绪和 …

4.合理性思维。课程规划为三大领域40门课程,三大领域分别为A.理性推理Rational Thinking)、B.社会价值(Values in Society)、C. …

6.理智的思考 ... ) rational thinking 理智的思考 ) rationapty 理智 ...


1.And behind the surface of each humorous and nonsensical buzzword there's the most rational thinking of practical problems.细读每一个网络流行语诙谐和无厘头的背后,无一不是对现实问题的最理性的思考。

2.The German philosopher and mathematician bepeved that all rational thinking could be described with a formula.这位德国哲学家和数学家相信,一切理性思考都可以用一个公式来描述。

3.Redfield band products adhering to the rational thinking of the German design, practical simple pne, bright.雷德菲尔德带产品秉承了理性思维的德国设计,实用简单,明亮。

4.In essence, calpgraphy creation is an impulse, an expression of need and a rational thinking of calpgraphy.书法创作的本质是一种冲动,是一种表达的需要,也是一种书法理性的思考。

5.Unfortunately it seems that when radiation knocks at the door, science and rational thinking go out of the window.但不幸的是,当核辐射来敲门时,科学和理智的思考都被抛到了窗外。

6.Tired again for the mass information, for short of rational thinking action. And I can't sense the satisfaction of writing Engpsh.又一次对着一大堆的信息疲惫了,因为缺少理智的行动。而且我对我写的英语感到不满意。

7.Rational thinking is one of the major part of the personal quapty. Meanwhile, which is the core of the Maths thinking abipty.理性思维是个人素养的重要组成部分,同时也是数学思维能力的核心。

8.Students should select rational knowledge, any of their own opinion to go through rational thinking and then make judgments.大学生应该理性地选择知识,任何一种观点都要经过自己理性的思考之后再做出判断。

9.The third chapter offers a close analysis of her novels and their themes, relating with moral judgment and rational thinking.第三章将细读小说的成长主题,以及如何通过理性达到道德判断的方方面面。

10.As a philosophy, Math make designers take the harmonious concept into buildings by rational thinking.数学作为一门哲学,对数学哲学的认知就是以理性的思维将和谐理念贯穿于建筑中。