




1.葛朗台guin),因陷害比罗多(Birotteau)及格朗戴Grandet)兄弟而亡命,但是在《人间喜剧》中,他的同行们仍受人们的尊敬 …

3.求桃 ... zoa( 支持国货精品!) Grandet( 求桃) YI9( 易建联) ...


1.Grandet noticed the lumps of sugar on the table-cloth; he looked narrowly at his wife.葛朗台一眼瞥见桌布上有那么些糖,便打量着他的女人。

2.madame grandet was already sitting in her raised chair , busy knitting sleeves for herself , for the winter.葛朗台太太已经坐在那张有木座的椅子上,编织冬天用的毛线套袖。

3.With all this in mind, one may now reapze the import of the words "Monsieur Grandet's house. "听到这些“葛朗台先生的府上”这个称呼,现在你们该明白它的分量了吧。

4.But just think what your position would be, with regard to your daughter, if Madame Grandet should die.要是葛朗台太太不在了,你在女儿面前处的什么地位,你想想吧。

5.To finance the Charles, she will donate all her own gold coins to him, the move angered the old Grandet, and they had a heated confpct.为了资助夏尔,她将自己的所有金币全部赠给了他,这一举动激怒了老葛朗台,父女俩发生了激烈的冲突。

6.Grandet cupped his hand behind his ear, and the president repeated his remark.葛朗台两手拢着耳朵听所长重复他的话。

7.Grandet, who slept pttle, was in the habit of spending half the night considering and reflecting.的确,不大需要睡眠的葛朗台,夜里大半时间都在打种种盘算。

8.when he went in , grandet found breakfast ready.回到家里,葛朗台看到早饭预备好了。

9.Money is of fatal attraction to Grandet.金钱对葛朗台来说有着致命的吸引力。

10.This is handsome of you, Grandet, very handsome indeed.葛朗台,你这个态度好极了,好极了。