


网络释义:帝喾;农业大学(Kasetsart University);古


1.帝喾 KOT 葛 KU KUA 瓜 ...

4.顾ung)范(Fan)姚(Yao) 秦(Ching)Ku)孟(Mong)骆(Loh) the "United Nations" of spring and autumn period …

5.波段服务 ... DIRECTV - Latin America:DIRECTV - 拉丁美洲: Ku 波段服务 Circular Dual 圆形双 ...

6.波段的输入 ... IF 输入\输出 Ku 波段的输入 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS 物理规格 ...


1.HO HSIEN - KU - Immortal Maiden - A Cantonese girl who dreamed that she could become immortal by eating a powder made of mother-of-pearl .荷仙姑——一位女仙人——一位梦见自己吃了珍珠母粉末而变成仙人的广东女孩。

2.However, when I returned to Ku Village in 1995, I found a quite different situation: the unorganized village had become organized.1995年,我再度造访古村时看到的却是另一幅截然不同的景象。本是紊乱的村落变得井井有条。

3.The company, however, is in negotiations that Ku hopes will have it available in most major U. S. cable markets within a year.但该公司正在进行协商,顾宜凡希望1年内它能出现在美国大部分主要的有线电视市场。

4.He should join the Ku Klux Klan----he would look a lot better with a hood over his head.他应该加入三K党----他的脑袋用头巾包起来看上去会好很多。

5.Officials to hear one word, Liu scared urination or incontinence wet ku dang, I do not know what is coming calamity.一听到官府二字,刘景升吓得小便失禁淋湿了裤档,不知又有什么大祸降临。

6.Louisiana authorities say a woman recruited for a Ku Klux Klan initiation ritual was shot and killed after she tried to back out .路易斯安那州官方表示一名女子被三K党招纳入会,后因拒绝被枪杀。

7."The economy today is giving us signs that we have lower chances of survival, " said the KU researcher.“今天的经济迹象表明,我们的生存机会降低了,”这位堪萨斯大学的研究人员说。

8.In the Ku-band the main lobe separates into multiple closely spaced peaks, each associated with a particular extent of the fuselage side.在Ku波段,主瓣变成了多重密集峰值,每个都有一个与之有关的机身两侧的特别范围。

9.Located in Meteor Garden in Huilongguan, northern Beijing, Ku Qiu looks pke any other eatery from the outside.哭球座落在北京城北回龙观的流星花园,表面上看起来就像这儿的任何餐馆一样。

10.Earper this month the company said David Ku, a longtime senior executive of advertising products, was leaving.本月早些时候,公司说长期负责广告产品的高管DavidKu即将离职。