




1.平遥古城 应县木塔 Should the county Amuta 平遥古城 Pingyao Ancient City 双塔寺 Twin Temple ...

2.山西平遥古城 Zhangbi Gubao( 场馆建筑) Pingyao Ancient City 平遥古城墙 (场馆建筑) Rishengchang Former Site 日升昌票号 (古迹) ...


1.Construct the system of tourism development Strategy of Pingyao ancient city.构建了平遥古城的旅游发展战略系统。

2.Pingyao Ancient City has witnessed rapid development in tourism, which in turn quickens its progress of tourism industry.随着平遥古城旅游的快速发展,平遥古城的旅游业取得了很大的进步。

3.The city is the Pingyao ancient city which has been formally named as "World Cultural Heritage" by UNESCO.它就是被联合国教科文组织正式确定为“世界文化遗产”的平遥古城。

4.In the end, using IPA analysis evaluate the current situation of PingYao Ancient City explanation boards system.最后用IPA方格图分析法对平遥古城解说牌系统现状进行评估。

5.The results show that most tourists are young, and most of them visiting as group in PingYao Ancient City.研究结论显示,平遥古城游客主要以中青年为主,且大多数都是组团而来;

6.Pingyao ancient city is located in the middle of Shanxi province, 650 kilometers away from Beijing.从地图上看,平遥古城位于山西省中部,距离北京650公里。

7.Research on Residents'Attitudes and Perceptions on Tourism Impacts at Chinese World Heritage Sites--A Case Study of Pingyao Ancient City我国世界遗产地居民对旅游发展的态度与感知研究--以平遥古城为例

8.Study of the PingYao Ancient City in Authenticity Protection平遥古城的原真性保护探讨

9.The Special Features and the Protection of the Cultural Landscape of PingYao Ancient City浅谈平遥古城文化景观的特色与保护

10.sign design; mark; system; historical and cultural city; Pingyao Ancient City;导向设计;标识;系统;历史文化古城;平遥古城;