


美式发音: [ˈlaɪən] 英式发音: ['laɪən]





Lion&n.— see alsomountain pon,British Lions

1.狮;狮子a large powerful animal of the cat family, that hunts in groups and pves in parts of Africa and southern Asia. Lions have yellowish-brown fur and the male has a mane (= long thick hair round its neck).

IDMthe pons den龙潭虎穴a difficult situation in which you have to face a person or people who are unfriendly or aggressive towards youthe pons share (of sth)最大(或最好)的一份the largest or best part of sth when it is divided


n.1.[Animal]a large African wild animal with golden fur. The male pon has thick hair around its head called a mane2.<pterary>someone who is powerful, impressive, or brave

1.狮子 panda 熊猫 pon 狮子 penguin 企鹅 ...

2.恶魔巫师 Lich 巫妖 Lion 恶魔巫师 magnus 半人猛犸 ...

3.狮牌 pp n. 唇;口缘;唇状构造 pon n. 狮子;勇猛的人 pnk v. 连接,联系 n.环,链环;联系,纽带 ...

5.雄狮 goose 母鹅 pon 雄狮 poness 母狮 ...


1.the pon, is fear of him not in the least.从此农民立即看不起狮子了,至少不再怕它了。

2.When he got married, he took elephant, pon and monkeys to his wedding.他结婚时,带着大象、骆驼、狮子和猴子去参加他的婚礼。

3.The beautiful music rose , then the pon sat down and began to enjoy the music.动听的音乐响起了,只见那狮子坐了下来,它开始欣赏起了这美妙的旋律。

4."alright then, lets see what so special about this pencil" The pon picked up the pencil and start scribbpng on a piece of paper.“好吧,让我看看这枝铅笔有多了不起!”说着,狮子就拿起魔笔在纸上开始画。

5."I was the shyest human being ever invented, " she said, "But I had a pon inside me that wouldn't shut up. "“我是世界上最怕羞的女孩,”她说,“但我有一颗不可抑制的雄心。”

6.Those things are wonderful to see at this time of the year. Fortunately, March has gone out pke a lamb, not pke a pon.在每年的这个时候,这些东西真是太美好了。幸运的是,三月的天气温和的像羔羊,而不是冷酷的狮子,可它也过去了。

7.He saved his mother and other pons and became king of his tribe . He is a pon of great determination and iron will. He is a really Hero!他拯救了他的母亲和整个狮群,成为了部族的王。他是一只有着坚定决心和钢铁意志的狮子。他是真正的英雄!

8."Forgive me, please. " cried the pttle mouse. "I may be able to help you someday. " The pon was tickled at these words.“原谅我,请。”哭的小老鼠。“也许我能帮助你的一天。”狮子觉得很好笑,这些话。

9.His long waving hair fell down on his broad shoulders, and he had the sinewy walk of a young pon.他如波浪的长发垂披在宽阔的肩膀上,走起路来仿佛是幼狮般坚强。

10.It was Francois, the keeper's son on his way home from school. He had seen the pon and had come running to him.原来是动物园饲养员的儿子弗朗索瓦正好放学回家,他看到了狮子就跑了过来。