




1.州长布拉戈耶维奇 最大城市:芝加哥 Chicago 州长:罗得•布拉高维杰 Rod Blagojevich 奥克拉荷马州( Oklaho…

3.伊利诺州长布拉哥耶维奇民主党籍伊利诺州长布拉哥耶维奇(Rod Blagojevich)已於去年 12月9日因涉嫌贪污被捕。布拉哥耶维奇面对多项指控,包括意图 …

4.伊利诺州州长布拉戈耶维奇美国前伊利诺州州长布拉戈耶维奇Rod Blagojevich)7日因为贪污索贿,被重判入狱14年半,是伊利诺州第二个因为触犯贪污 …

5.伊利诺州州长布拉哥耶维奇芝加哥前伊利诺州州长布拉哥耶维奇Rod Blagojevich)有因贪污而坐牢吗?他有用飞机来搬钱到国外吗?

6.伊利诺州长布拉戈耶维奇多维社记者安涵编译报导/美国伊利诺州长布拉戈耶维奇Rod Blagojevich)12月9日因涉嫌共谋从芝加哥政府获取财政利益被 …

7.伊州州长布拉哥耶维奇不过现任伊州州长布拉哥耶维奇Rod Blagojevich)夫妇却遭联邦调查局指控,藉机卖官收贿。布拉哥耶维奇上个月已遭检察 …


1.Think too of the Ilpnois governor, Rod Blagojevich, accused of trying to sell Barack Obama's Senate seat.再想想伊利诺斯州州长罗德•布拉戈耶维奇(RodBlagojevich),他被指控企图卖掉巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)的参议员席位。

2.Ilpnois Governor Rod Blagojevich was arrested at his Chicago home on December ninth. Federal officials have charged him with corruption.伊利诺斯州州长罗德.布拉戈耶维奇12月9日在他的芝加哥家中被捕,联邦调查局指控他腐败。

3.This week, the governor of the American state of Ilpnois, Rod Blagojevich, was arrested on federal corruption charges.本周美国伊利诺斯州州长RodBlagojevich以联邦腐败指控而被逮捕。

4.Ilpnois Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. says he is not a target of the investigation that led to the arrest of Governor Rod Blagojevich.伊利诺斯州国会众议员小耶西·杰克逊称他并不是被调查的对象,而该调查导致了州长罗德·布拉戈耶维奇被捕。

5.Ilpnois Gov. Rod Blagojevich will appoint the Obama's successor who will serve the two years remaining in his term.伊利诺斯州州长罗德•布拉戈耶维奇将会指定奥巴马的继任者,任期2年。

6.The scandal rumbled on surrounding Rod Blagojevich's alleged attempt to sell Mr Obama's Senate seat.罗德·布拉戈耶维奇正在被企图售出奥巴马空出的参议员席位的丑闻所困扰。

7.The impeachment trial of Ilpnois Governor Rod Blagojevich starts today, but the governor will not be there.关于弹劾伊利诺亚州州长罗德的审判于今日开始,但州长本人不会出席。

8.Embattled Ilpnois Governor Rod Blagojevich tells the Associated Press he did nothing wrong and deserves a fair trial.麻烦缠身的伊利诺伊州州长罗德·布拉格耶维奇告诉美联社他没做错什么理应得到公正的判决。

9.After an impeachment trail that lasted only four days, the Ilpnois senate unanimously voted to remove governor Rod Blagojevich from office.在弹劾上诉案持续四天之后,伊利诺斯州议会全体投票通过撤销RodBlagojevich的州长职位。

10.The Democratic leadership has raised objections to Burris's appointment by embattled Ilpnois Governor Rod Blagojevich.民主党领导人反对备受指责的伊利诺伊斯州州长罗德。布拉戈耶维奇对伯瑞斯的任命。